Banana Addict

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Cristina: ...The Game Gauntlet says that the next boss is up there.

Cristina points to the top of a tower.

Infinite: ...Up there?

Cristina: Yep.

Smesh: Guess we're going up there now.

Turlandb: Let's go-

Jen: *Grabs Turlandb* We will catch up. Me and Turco have something to talk to each other about.

Turlandb: We do?

Jen: Yes, we do.

Infinite: ...Alright. You'll know where to find us.

The group takes off towards the tower.

Turlandb: ...Sweetheart, what is it?

Jen: Umm... Well...

Turlandb: ...?

Jen: ...Turco... I should let you know this right now...

Turlandb: Yes...?

Jen: ...I'm pregnant.

Turlandb: NANI?!?!?!

Jen: *Covers Turlandb's mouth*

Turlandb: Mmph!

Jen: Quiet down... And yes... I am. *Removes her hand*

Turlandb: ...Holy Jesus...

Jen: I got pregnant a few nights ago. I was gonna tell you then, but Megabug started his attack.

Turlandb: W-whoa...

Jen: Mmhmm... *Puts a hand on her stomach*

Turlandb: Wow...

Jen: Hehe... We can talk about it more later. Let's catch up to everyone.

Turlandb: Alrighty.

Turlandb and Jen catch up to everyone else. The group ends up at the top of the tower.

Turlandb: ...Hmm... He should be here.

Cristina: The Game Gauntlet detected him here...

Infinite: Hmm... I don't see this boss you speak of.

Aeris: Me neither.

???: I hope it never comes out!

Smesh: Huh?

Cristina: *Gasps* Wait!

Cristina runs to the spot the voice came from and pushes away a block.

Jacqueline: !

Cristina: Jackie!

Jen: Oh!

Jacqueline: Oh, it's just you guys...

Cristina: Why are you hiding?

Jacqueline: A giant rabbit-gorilla thing is up here...

Cristina: Oh, shit... That's...

Turlandb: Uh oh...

Crystal: Who? Who is it?


Aeris: Did you accidentally snort some drugs before we came here?

Trevor: What the fu- No!

Aeris: :/

Smesh: Wait... Do you guys hear that?

Infinite: What?

Cristina: ...It sounds like something's climbing up the tower.

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