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you look ravishing as usual

Hitoshi's visits became even more frequent than before now that he had Koroko's blessing. He preferred it that way because now he could check-in on her and make sure she was taking care of herself. A majority of the time she wasn't and it made him wonder how she managed on her own. He shouldn't say that she was completely on her own because every so often, she'd receive baskets of food from who he assumed was her mother. The woman only dropped it off at the door then left, not bothering to knock.

He meant to ask Koroko about that but had a haunting sense that it might've been a touchy subject. From just observing and listening, he found out loads about her, more than she probably intended on him picking up.

She was the only child from a divorced family and her mother remarried shortly after. They spent ten long years together before the husband from the new marriage died on the job as a police officer. That was the only family she knew about other than her biological father who wasn't in the picture. From what Hitoshi understood, Koroko viewed her step-father as her actual dad and he viewed her as his actual daughter.

There was other trivia he learned too: she graduated from a regular high school with her diploma and AA at eighteen, broke her arm trespassing on private property around that time, lived it up in university and received her bachelors in two years, had an unplanned pregnancy at twenty-two after she joined the force and that about caught him up to speed.

He liked the useless factoids about her even more: her favorite color was orange, wine made her sleepy, she liked homemade jam (blackberry was her favorite), hated apricots, and she was scared of dogs of all things.

He noticed that when they were walking down the sidewalk and a small Shiba Inu crossed their path. Koroko kept her eyes on the good boy at all times and held her breath until she passed. After asking her about it and teasing her a bit, she got all quiet and didn't answer. Upon further inquiry, she caved in and told her story.

When she was younger she'd trespass a lot on private property because her quirk always led her to abandoned places like those. This one, in particular, she wasn't aware was still active and didn't see the 'Beware of Dog' signs. Naturally, she went on her merry way. As soon as she hopped the fence, an attack dog attacked her (surprising right?), knocking her down and biting her hand.

She had to get stitches but luckily the guard on duty stopped the dog before anything and happened. There was the faintest of scars below the knuckle of her thumb and nothing else. Since then she was scared of dogs.

Obviously, Hitoshi was impressed by the amount of knowledge he had of the girl after meeting her a month or so ago. It was another feature of him that he used to trick women into thinking he was good looking. There was nothing more attractive than a man who listened and Hitoshi viewed himself as a pro at that. He tried extra hard to listen intently because Koroko was the most interesting person he ever met. He'd never been more entertained by someone so he was using everything in his artillery to get her.

Koroko interrupted his thoughts, laughing at the TV screen in front of her. She curled up on the couch, leaning against an armrest with a handful of unbuttered popcorn in her hand. Her hair was tied back into a short ponytail while her thick-framed glasses rested low on the bridge of her nose. The slow grin rising to her lips as the comedic events built on screen was his favorite thing.

Damn, he really liked her.

Hitoshi rose to his feet, standing in front of her with his hands on his hips. The woman looked up to him expectantly, poking him in the side to make him move. It didn't phase him and he reached down to grab her hands. She groaned dramatically when he pulled her to her feet, leaning into him so she wouldn't have to stand.

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