Chapter 17: The Half-eaten Chocolate Bar

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A few minutes later, as they still sat waiting, Hyejin sighed. "I'm so sorry you're missing your party to hang out at the vet's office with me."

"I'm not. You're important to me, and so is 22. I wouldn't have been happy at the party while I was worried about you...".

"About me? Don't you mean, worried about Twenty-two?"

"No. I meant you." He quirked his lips at her, making a darling dimple pop out on either side of his mouth. She wanted to plant a kiss in each one of those depressions. He was so cute!

He was thinking how best to cheer her up, then he exclaimed, "Besides, I still have half a chocolate bar left!" He pulled it out of his pocket and unwrapped it. It was sticky from dog slobber.

"You are not going to eat that!"

His eyes growing wide in innocent reflection, he asked, "Why not?" as he raised his eyebrows. He lifted the candy bar to his mouth

"Jungkook! No!" Hyejin shouted, reaching out and grabbing it.

Jungkook bent over laughing and clapped his hands.

Hyejin looked at him in surprise, then she narrowed her eyes. "You did that on purpose just to make me freak out!"

He grinned at her. "I was just trying to make you laugh."

She cracked a smile then. "Jungkook, you are such a darling! But why didn't you just throw that away? Why were you carrying it around in your pocket? It's gross."

"I thought the vet might want to see exactly what 22 swallowed."

"That was good thinking." She sobered. "Jungkook, has anyone ever told you what a good friend you are?"

He glanced at her, his face revealing nothing. He shrugged his shoulders.

"You are the best of friends, Jungkook. Thank you. Thank you for not leaving me. I really do feel better because you're here with me."

Catch, 22!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora