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I take a swing from the bottle in my hand as I lean against my bike, gazing up at the sky.

So beautiful 

So pure

So deep

A never ending beauty, the sky truly is fascinating. Either night or day, It never fails to stun me.

Sometimes I think that us humans don't deserve such beauty to grace our world,
a cruel ugly world we built and ruined all at once.

The depth of the dark sky has always consumed me.  The darkness so whole, it was never ending.  Almost a reflection of my own self.  Maybe that's why I love the sky so much, or maybe it's because it is the only beauty that could be seen in this world. 

The only good thing,

the only untouchable thing.

So far yet so close,

So pretty yet so dark.

I lived for the nights where the moon shines so bright and the stars are countless, the nights where the beauty of the sky is the only thing invading my mind.  The nights where the only thing haunting me is the fact that I'll never be as untouchable as the sky.  

The nights where loneliness burnt my soul while my heart darkened till there was no light left to hold on to.

I squeeze my eyes shut as I take another gulp of the liquor I'm holding.

My existence is a selfish act towards humanity.

My father made sure I'll never forget that.

A speck of love to spareWhere stories live. Discover now