Chapter 27

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Mackenzie's POV:

Fuck.I wake up feeling like shit.I'm so hungover,I can't really remember what happened last night but as I turn over in bed I see Luke there and I scream.What was he doing here?I look like shit,I can't let him see me like this.I get up,ready to run to the bathroom when Luke pulls be back into bed,"Good morning beautiful." He says in a sexy morning voice.Shit Luke is so cute oh my godddd.I can't even deal with how cute he is right now.

"I'm gonna go shower."I tell him,I need to shower since I look like shit.

"Noooo.Let's stay in bed all day and cuddle." Luke begs and I give in so I make my way under the covers with him and I snuggle up next to him,"Mackenzie you look beautiful."I start to laugh not realizing it,"What's so funny?"He furrows his eyebrows together making a frowny face.

"Stop lying.I look like shit and you know it!"

"No you don't,"He kisses me softly but quickly,"If you looked like shit I wouldn't have done that."He smirks and puts his arm on my back,"You taste like alcohol though."I feel my cheeks start to get red,"It's sexy though."He says before I can even say anything to him.

"Aww Luke you're really sweet." I boop his nose.

"I know." He jokes,"You're sweeter though." He says as he grabs the tv remote.

"I thought we were just gonna cuddle?"I pout.

"Let's watch netflix too!" 

"Fine." After looking through the Netflix selection we decide to play an oldschool movie called The Outsiders,my favorite movie ever! 

"What's this even about?It looks boring." Luke says and I slap him softly and free myself of his grip.

"It is not boring!It is the best movie ever and don't you dare judge it if you don't even know what it's about because you're probably going to end up liking it." I get off the bed and storm to the bathroom, "I'm mad at you now for insulting my favorite movie ever!I can't believe you would do that!" I slam the bathroom door and sit on the floor next to the door waiting for Luke to apologize.After a few minutes of waiting around I decide to take a long shower since I felt really icky. I probably took an hour in there and man am I hungry. I get dressed and when I'm about to get out of the bathroom,I remember why I came here in the first place so I sit on the ground again hoping Luke will apologize. I get bored so I text Calum since I know he's here,hopefully he's awake.

Calum :( are you awake?



calum from the hood


okay i see you're still asleep. lazy ass.

I lock my phone and sigh,I would text Ashton but I barely know him so that would be weird. I'm about to text Michael but he's probably with Victoria so I don't want to interrupt their alone time. I check the time on my phone and I just realized I could text Luke,right when I'm about to text Luke I get a text message. It's Calum. Finally jeez.

jesus mackenzie you are annoying as fuck did you know that?!

i knew that :D hiiiii

aren't you with luke?

yeah well no well sorta

what do you mean? are you high lmao

noo i'm in the bathroom :D

can i come ;)

only if you bring me food


okay hurry up calum :/ im bored and hungry

"Jesus Christ!Are you crying?" I hear Calum say to someone.

"Yeah." I hear Luke sniffle, "This movie is so sad."

"Pussy. Yo Mackenzie,I'm here with your damn food." I run out of the bathroom and I hug Calum and I take the food from his hands.

"Thank you so much Calum! I don't know what I would do without you man." I sit down on my bed besides Luke,who is crying. "Luke did you watch the movie?"

"Yess,I wanted to see it just for you,it was a great movie but it's so sad."

"I know Lukey," I say as I bring him in for a hug and I hear Calum start laughing,I totally forgot he was here for a second, "What's so funny?"

"You're hugging Luke and his face is in your boobs." I push Luke away and glare at Calum but I crack up too and I motion for Calum to sit on the bed with us. Luke hits Calum, "Jeez Calum you ruined my moment." We're all cracking up when Ashton comes into the room.

"Thanks Calum for leaving me all alone downstairs." Ashton says in a cocky tone. "I was bored out of my mind and I heard all you guys laughing,thanks once again for leaving me Calum Hood." Ashton turns to leave my room but I tell him to join us so he does.

"What do you guys think Victoria and Michael are doing?" I ask the boys, "It's already noon and we haven't heard from them all day!"

"Mackenzie have you ever heard of something called sex?" Calum looks me over and smirks, "Oh wait I forgot you're still a virgin." I shoot Calum a dirty look but I don't say anything back because I have no comebacks.

"Don't worry Mackenzie,I'm a virgin too!" Luke says trying to comfort me.I just smile at him,mainly because he's such a dork and I can't believe he thinks I am offended about what Calum said but also because he's such a cutie pie. I think I may be falling for Luke.What isn't there to fall for?He seems like such an angel, he is an angel. God he is just perfection.He's sweet and all this stuff and he's also really sexy and damn those blue eyes,those sexy ass blue eyes really get to me.His lip piercing makes him look hotter too like damn.Now I can't stop smiling because I can't stop thinking about Luke and all these things I like about him.I just can't stop thinking about him,we aren't even dating yet.That makes me sad.Right now all I want is to kiss him and hold him and never let him go.

"Hey Luke?" I say while Ashton and Calum are arguing over what movie to put on next.

"Yeah?" I look at his lips and then I lick my lips giving him the signal and he takes it.We're kissing and I feel like I'm melting,his kisses are so soft and pure.He tastes sweet.I smile in between the kiss because I'm fucking kissing Luke Hemmings.I continue to kiss his perfect lips and I seperate from him and I just smile at him.

"I like you a lot Hemmings." I say to him feeling embarassed that I just said that.

"I like you too." He grins and touches my hair and puts it behind my ear and once again, we're kissing.

No Looking BackTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon