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yeah i know. IT'S BEEN TWO YEARS!!!! WHERE'S ALASKA'S STORY?!?????

it's been a not so good two years lslskelsllsw, so i wasnt in a good position to write, it was very hectic and i took a gap year from school and everything.

And now im back, i guess and i am currently writing delta and have already written like six chapters. So either i just finish the book first and then post it one by one or i can post it what chapters i have now and be patient.

Anyway, from the title you can probably guess whats gonna happen here but yeah, Q&A!!!! Drop your questions down in the comments, whether it be about or to the author(me, hello), to any of the characters (dead or alive 😁😁), or about the next book (or books) that i plan to publish and if you want to see anythingg specific happen in future books, tell me down below or you know just random questions so yeah, i guess i'll keep this up for the next few days (dont let me flop skksksksks) and gather the questions i get. OOOH also if ya'll have twitter, @ me your questions or just interact with me there (shameless selfpromo) @/purplenotviolet

That's all and stay safe out there, WEAR A MASK, WAHS YOUR HANDS AND STAY AT HOM BYEBYE mwah

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