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Today waking up you felt the warm sunlight bleed through your curtains and dance apon your nice tan skin. Groaning you sat up letting your short dark hair flutter over your eyes before you brushed it out of your face gently. You shivered from the cold air hitting your bare chest, letting your socked feet hit the wooden floor as you stood. Starting to shuffle to the bathroom quickly for a shower.

You stripped out of your boxers and stepped into the warm shower water, letting it trickle down your abdomen slowly, the steam hitting your face waking you up slowly. You picked up the shampoo bottle before starting to scrub your hair gently with the soap. Starting to hum along to the song thats been stuck in your head for the past few days.

Once you were done showering you stepped out and wrapped the towel around your waist lazily before going to your room to change into loose clothing. Today was your off day so you decided to go to the park down the street to do what you loved, dance. You smiled a little, corner of your lips curling up softly. Putting on gym shorts and a loose tank top.

You ate a banana before stepping outside into the sunlight with birds chirping. Walking down the warm sidewalk whistling quietly to yourself with your music player. It had worn stickers and decrotive things all over it, showing the years of love that it had into it. You set it next to a tree and pressed play before starting to move your body to the music, losing yourself to the beat and rythym easily. You moved passionately, not realizing the crowed of people you had growing around you slowly. A few songs had went by before you sat down and the crowd died down.

Heaving a deep breath in you sat by your music player as a strange man walked up to you. He smiled and sat next to you on the damp grass. "Hello, this might be odd to you but My name is Bang pd. I loved your performance and I would greatly appreciate it if youd join me and 7 others in a journey to create the biggest boyband in the world!" He finished proudly and held out a bussiness card between his index and middle finger.

You being a little sceptical took the card, furrowing your brows together with a small pout on your lips. "I-Im not sure... Ill think about it... Maybe I could meet the others before I make my decision?" You asked barely above a whisper glancing back up to the strange man.

He nodded slightly as his smile died down a little. "Of course. That sounds fair, we could all give you a tour around the apartment and the studio and everything. Again, I think you would enjoy being apart of the team and everyone would love to have you." You nodded slightly looking back down at the bussiness card.

This might be the start of a new beginning.

word count: 514💜

a/n: ik it was short but it was a request by XxKarma__Akaban_xX Im sorry if you didnt want the reader to be a boy but theyre a boy band and i thought it made the most sense😅 i also see a lack in x male reader stories so i thought id give my fellow male readers something to enjoy!

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