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Chapter 2: Fireflies

A/N: My deepest apologies for releasing this chapter so late. I was planning to get this out earlier, but then I got sick. Also, I took a break from writing for a couple of weeks after chapter 1 was published. So, I had to post this at the end of this month. I promise chapter 3 won't take this long. In this chapter, the Lightfoot family spends a night outside in the backyard, and Barley discovers a familiar creature we know. This chapter has some Laurel X Wilden in it. I know we don't see them together in the movie, but I imagine their relationship to be very cute and sweet just like all parent couples are. Thank you everybody for favoriting, following, and reviewing this story! I'm very glad that it is getting some love. Requests/ideas are certainly welcome, and if you have any, please leave them. They're really helpful. Enjoy! :)

The two crescent moons shone brightly amongst the blazing stars in the night New Mushroomton sky. The warm, pleasant summer breeze bristled in the air. Just the typical June weather. On this night, residents were either eating dinner or relaxing with loved ones or just simply going outside to enjoy the weather. Summers in New Mushroomton were always so gorgeous and inviting to people and animals, leading them to the outdoors more often as opposed to wintertime, where the freezing cold and snow lead to hibernation and caused people to stay cooped up in their homes with the fire roasting. Right now, it was early June, and many were itching to do their yearly summer activities: going to the beach, having pool parties, camping, etc. This summer was going to be a hit for sure.

After eating dinner, which was Laurel's fabulous meatloaf, the Lightfoot family relaxed in the living room. Barley was building a tower of blocks, Blazey was dozing, Wilden was reading a book, and Laurel was knitting little light blue booties for the baby.

Barley had his tongue out while stacking the last block on his tower. He viewed the culmination and smiled proudly. "Mommy! Daddy! Look at my tower!"

The two stopped what they were doing and looked up at their son's tower of blocks. They were impressed.

"That's an excellent tower, Barley," Wilden complimented.

"Great job, sweetie," Laurel said. "You are such a fantastic builder."

"Thanks!" Barley went to his toy car and started playing with it.

Laurel resumed knitting. "Wilden?"

"Yeah, honey?" he said, not taking his eyes off the book.

"Have you come up with names for the baby? I already gave you my suggestions, but you didn't agree with them."

Her husband turned his head slightly to face her. "Well, I do have one name in mind."

"What is it?"


Laurel paused and quickly looked at him. "Iandore?"

He nodded. "Ian for short. It's a name I've been liking for a while now, and it just sounds suitable for our child."

His wife let that name sink in for a second, then glanced down at her large belly. Ian did sound like a nice name, sweet too. She felt like the name had charm like her husband, and it would accurately fit and represent their little boy. Plus, Wilden was the one picking the name this time, not her. She had chosen Barley's name after he was born. It was perfect. Once she had made up her mind, she grinned and stroked her stomach.

"Ian sounds like a lovely name, dear," she replied.

"Just like you." Wilden leaned in for a kiss.

The couple shared their kiss for a minute until Laurel felt a strong kick. She pulled away and placed her hand on her abdomen.

Wilden had his hand on her shoulder. "You okay, honey?"

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