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Chapter 3: Thunderstorm

A/N: Another chapter is here! And this one introduces Ian! That's certainly exciting! I was devastated for a few days last week because of something that happened online, but now I'm fine. I really wanted to publish this chapter earlier this month, but I just wanted to take a break for a bit due to lack of motivation. Thankfully, I'm motivated again, and this time I actually didn't post at the end of the month! Just a few days before. I'm a slow writer, and I do get distracted easily, but that doesn't stop me from finishing the things I love to do. I've decided to place Ian and Barley's ages before each chapter so people can know how old they are. Again, thank you so much for favoriting, following, and reviewing, and I hope you enjoy this chapter. :)

Barley: 9

Ian: 6

"Hurry up, Ian!" Barley hollered, standing next to the front door.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Ian scurried over to his older brother as fast as his little legs could go, holding his red kite above his head.

Barley climbed up on the couch and peered out the window. "It's really windy today. We won't have a bit of trouble getting our kites up in the air."

Ian got up next to him. He saw numerous dark, gray clouds gathered in the sky. "Uh, Barley, there are a lot of clouds. I think it's going to rain."

His brother rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Pfft. So what? Some clouds are not gonna ruin our day. Now, come on! Outside we go!"

Ian had a nervous expression but followed him. He wanted to have fun with his brother today. Maybe the clouds would go away after a while.

Their mother walked in just as Barley was about to open the door. "Freeze, boys. Not so fast."

Barley sighed and looked at his mother. "Yes, Mom?"

"According to the weather channel, there's going to be a severe thunderstorm today," Laurel explained.

"I knew those clouds looked suspicious," Ian said.

"But, Mom, it's not even raining yet. We'll come back inside once it starts raining," Barley told her.

"Okay, but I want you two to be careful out there. Who knows when the rain will suddenly pour down?"

"I'm always careful, Mom. The rain won't stand a chance," Barley said courageously.

"We'll be fine, Mom," Ian guaranteed.

Laurel ruffled her younger son's curly hair. "Have fun, boys. And watch out for the-"

Barley opened the door before Laurel could finish her sentence. He and Ian were met with a strong gust of wind. They fought to get outside for a moment but managed to get through. Barley pulled the door shut behind them.



Ian and Barley stood on the neighborhood street, holding their kites tightly. The wind was very powerful today; it was going at many miles per hour. It could snatch up their kites very easily, but the boys would not let that happen. They had to be very lenient about their kites, especially on this day.

"Barley, it's very windy out here." Ian had his kite clutched to his small body.

"I know that, Ian. But don't worry. Nothing bad is going to happen to us. Besides, the wind is actually helpful today. We don't even have to try to lift up our kites." Barley held his kite up and automatically released it. It immediately caught the wind, staying afloat in the air. Barley laughed and excitedly let out some line for the kite to go higher. It was moving uncontrollably, but Barley had a firm grip on the handle so he wouldn't accidentally let go of it.

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