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Hello, everyone. This isn't the next chapter, but I wanted to see if anyone has any ideas/requests they could share. Any kind is helpful, so please inform me if you do happen to come up with one, two, three, or how many you want! This story is becoming successful, and I thank each and every one of you for that. I plan to post as many chapters as I can before I start running out of ideas or if I suddenly decide to stop writing this story for whatever reason. But I love writing and entertaining for you guys, so I don't wanna fail on you. This story is posted on Fanfiction and Wattpad for the people who are oblivious to that. Fanfiction readers, my Wattpad account is listed in my bio. Wattpad readers, my Fanfiction account is listed in the "About" section. Chapter 5 will hopefully be out by early next week. Thank you all so much for reading this story, and I hope you all have a good day/night! Stay safe! :)

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