30th of June, 2020

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Before I say anything, Black Lives Matter. The death of George Floyd caused protests all around America, and even during COVID,  I think these were still justified. The abuse of minority in any country should be illegal to the Justice system of that country. But time and again America, as a government and a majority, has shown concern, but created more abuse for African American Lives here. I hope this time they get it! But will they?
      After I arrived at Santa Monica, California, to live with my wife, and amid intense job search over a month back, I just wanted a job. The weather definitely changed. It lost its depth of winter entirely, but created a newfound respect for the sun's capacity to cheer one up in conjunction with the fact that we live just a few blocks from the mighty Pacific Ocean. Home space was never an issue with me, so I absolutely do not mind the couped-up studio that we live in for now. My wife works for healthcare administration and has been uber busy with the COVID debacle still chiming its ugly song of death and pain on numerous humans all around the world. She also has been anxious to the brim of her patience about my job search being just a barrage of phone calls with no outcome yet. I respect her patience. But I am not sure where I will lose mine. My decision to 'not care' about situations not entirely in my hands, but do my best possible and maybe beyond that as well has fared well to let me keep my sanity. So moving on, I will be keeping this attitude. COVID has been a journey deep within, but equal outside as well. Hoping (want) against hope (reality) that it gets over soon. But the want is far from reality, as we all know.
          To address the main issue first, a few weeks back, I read an article which emphasized how Gates Foundation and American government along with the Serum Institute of India are going to mass produce a cure for coronavirus. BUT, this cure has not been successfully tested yet. HOWEVER, the authorities involved still want to plan it for mass production. This clarifies the negative gravitas of the situation with the most fluorescent highlighter possible. In other news, Indian Yoga Teacher, and Businessman Ramdev Baba declared last week in India that he has created a natural cure made of different herbs. He claimed that he has had a 60% success rate until now. Was there a legit proof that he actually cured people? Unfortunately, not to my findings.
                        Apart from these mixed bag of news, I also heard about the Plasma from a survivor's blood being helpful in battling the virus during its course, if not entirely curing it. This was the most legit news for me as I saw a friend from India ask for Plasma for a relative who had coronavirus on social media, and later confirmed that they got the Plasma and it is helping their relative survive the virus's pain and suffering a little better than other cases.
            Technically, due to COVID, and lack of a job along with my introvert nature to keep my conversations intense and just with my 'daily routine' people, I have not met even a few people during this time. I have spoken with a lot of recruiters over the phone. I have spoken with a couple of trusted friends about this situation under the safety of distance and masks. The number of positive cases went near exponential for some states in the U.S. this week. It is simply because the lockdown was opened just a little bit. This is the first time I understand the pain that the government is going through. The economy is taking a nose dive, and the businesses are left to delivery or online options. And as soon as the Lockdown opened a bit, we humans gathered our asses together again to procreate. We should have waited at least a month to start going all-out on fun again. But most of us already feel cramped inside their own homes. Is this our own comfort level at fault? Or our adventurous nature in the face of death, which can be called buffoonery as well? Are we responsible for this rise of cases and subsequent lockdown that has ensued? Yes, I think we are! We need to be more mature when this second lockdown opens. Until then, watch this space for some more banter. Ciao for now.

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