6th of July, 2020.

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The day started early, with phone calls to every possible recruiter that is actively helping me secure a job. And then more phone calls ensued as a result of new found recruiters and unending follow ups. It aches to not have a job at a time when most humans with jobs, that I know of, are working from home until at least end of this year. I need to find a 'work from home' situation soon. A 'work at work' situation will do as well. I don't mind wearing a mask or even a full hazmat suit to work right now.  'Work visa in America is a total shit show now' exclaimed one of my peers. COVID has caused a lot of humans to lose their lives, but it was just a 'Hoax' at first for Trump, but then it became a reason for verbally attacking China, harassing American Immigrants and workers, paying cash to earn direct vote as the Presidential Elections draw near and a haphazard effort in finding a cure for the virus, which is still in progress. Riva Gold, editor at LinkedIn wrote the article today 'US bars many international students' which explained how ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) has announced that all international students who have their classes online for the Fall 2020 semester due to COVID will have to leave the country. Also, the universities that changed their regular classes to online for this rule will be calling students back to campus and bringing down their students to 60 or 40 percent of total capacity to ensure proper social distancing due to this rule. So a lot of students will be catching some dangerous flights to back home, and a lot of universities will lose the money that they were making from these International students. E.g. I was an International Student in a university in Michigan where a Masters course costed me at least 20 percent more fee than citizens of America taking up the same course. Is the present government envisioning a bulk knowledge transfer from America to other countries in taking such right wing decisions? One always hangs out with the crowd of similar or lower knowledge level, as we all must have observed in life. This seems to be getting literally true for Trump administration, and Americans (white/ caucasians). 2020 seems to be bringing the hate inside to the forefront of powerful human's minds. And this is taking a toll as these powerful humans have a high percentage of insecure leaders and biased entrepreneurs. Will the middle class survive this 'shit show'? Time will tell. Namaste for now.

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