if i knew you'd just become my summertime sadness

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if i knew that would've been our last kiss,
i would never have pulled away.

i would've stood at the top of that rickety ladder even in the pouring rain,
just to hear you once more say my name.

if i knew that would've been the last time i saw you,
i would have stood on the sidewalk until you turned the corner and i couldn't see you anymore.

if i knew that was our last night together,
i would've held you tighter.

i just would've held you tighter.

but for now i can hold your sweatshirt tighter,
and pray you won't ask for it back.

i can live with the fact that my want for you will never lack.

and i can sing to the stars and pretend they're you,
and i can talk to the moon and pretend she's you,
and i can confide in the sun and pretend he's you,
but i know that in the way i want you,
you'll never want me back.

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