Y/n L/n

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The photo above is your 'vigilante' costume, excuse my shitty art you can alter the costume however you desire.

  A ring sounded throughout the store as a teen with (h/c) hair stepped in. Heading straight to the candy section their (e/c) eyes scanned the different types of chocolate the store offered.

"What do you think Blitz? Dark, Milk, or Light?" Blitz's dark blue head appeared on the 15-year-old's shoulder, scanning the different types of chocolate.

"Take them all," the symbiote said before retreating back into the teen. Grabbing a few of each Y/n walked down the rest of the aisles, grabbing each item on their grocery list. When Y/n put their big amount of chocolate on the conveyor belt the cashier gave them an odd look, but just proceeded to shrug it off and put all the items in a bag neatly. Y/n thanked the cashier and left.

The device in your ear notified Y/n about a bank robbery happening, not too far from your location. Ducking into an alleyway you removed your clothing quickly with Blitz's help, leaving you in a sleeve-less leotard version of your Spidey-suit. Double-tapping the spider on your chest, the suit extended, leaving only your head uncovered. Quickly webbing up the groceries and clothes you began running up the wall, shrugging on the hoodie and pulling down your mask. Once on at the roof you shot out a web, swinging from building to building. It wasn't too long before the bank was in your sights.

There were a few reporters there keeping their distance from the bank, the device in your ear tuned into one of the channels.

"A bank robbery is happening right now live here in Musutafu, the police on site are able to make no moves at the moment because of the people in the building being kept as hostages. For now the safest route is to wait for heroes to arrive, huh? Yes yes, alright. I've just been updated on how many hostages are in the building-." And that's all you needed to hear.

Skillfully you landed on the roof without being spotted by the press, finding a vent big enough for you to fit through you took off the vent grate and slipped in. Maneuvering through the vent system to the main area didn't take long thanks to your tech, (thank god for Tony), eventually you peered through another vent grate.

Hmm, 1,2,3,4,5,6. Not too bad but not good enough. Taking off the grate and silently leaving it in the vents, the teen hung upside down, slowly but silently descending behind the criminals that still had yet to notice. Finally the vigilante broke the silence.

"Sup guys," the villains turned around quickly, but not quick enough. Your foot met one of their faces, your spidey-sense warned you of the sneak attack from behind. You side stepped, the punch almost grazing the tip of your nose, and flipped the older adult over your shoulder.

                                                                                                                        'I know Blitz.'

Getting into a handstand position you did a series of Windmill kicks, knocking back 2 more thieves you quickly restrained the 4 four on the ground. The 5th tried to attack you using their quirk, but you dropped and leg swept him, "Seriously guys? You have quirks and you're not using them? Pathetic." Once you finished restraining him, you heard the sound of a gun being loaded. You quickly turned and faced the last villain, who was holding a blonde girl with wide, tear filled blue eyes.

"No sudden movements or she dies!" The adult said, you swiftly used your webs, removing the female and gun from his grasp with ease.

"Uh-uh that's cheatin'," You grinned underneath your mask, wasting no time leaving the criminal restrained, hanging from the ceiling by his feet. Helping all of the hostages out, you watched the blonde from earlier run out the doors and hug her parents tightly through the tinted windows of the bank. Crawling back into the vents you put the grate back in it's place and made your way through the maze once more. "Man I could really go for Chipotle right now Blitz," you whined.

Wrong World, Wrong Dimension (BNHA x Spider-person!reader)Where stories live. Discover now