What it takes to be a Hero

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We just wanted food god dammit


Once you had arrived you bought at least 5 crepes, you were sitting on a nearby roof until the building beneath you collapsed.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" You screeched.

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You had woken up to find chaos, there was a villain that seemed to be made out of sludge in the middle of it all, and he seemed to have. . .


The Pros couldn't make a move, it was in the villains favor it seemed. "You must be pretty desperate to be doing all of this, haha. How pathetic," infuriated, the Sludge villain looked around to find the source of the voice. "Huh?! Who are you?! Show yourself!"

No sooner than he said that he was kicked in the face abruptly, "You asked for it.~" You were in your full vigilante outfit, don't ask how you changed so quickly. The villain tried to land a hit on you as you did a backward somersault, the other Pro's watched in awe as you traded blows with the Sludge villain. You jumped up in the air, timing it perfectly you shot some webs at your enemies' eyes, blinding him.


You landed back down on the ground gracefully, "Even if you're made out of sludge you can't reform your eyes on another part of your body right?" The villain growled and shot a big amount of his sludge in the direction of your voice. Tendrils surrounded your right arm, becoming sharper until a blade formed where your hand is supposed to be. You sliced through his attacks, noticing the weak amount of slime restricting Katsuki, you jumped up and shot tendrils from your left arm in his direction. The villain realized too late that his hostage had been removed from his hold.

Back up in the air with you, you pulled the ash-blonde towards you and held onto him as if you were hugging him. You put him down by the (still stunned) Pro's and jumped back in front of the villain. He glared(?) at you, "Fine then, I guess I'll have to settle for you as a skinsuit!" He lunged at you, attempting to grab you.


"What are you doing he's gonna get you!"


"Sorry Klyntar impostor, but this human is already taken!" Blitz appeared on your shoulder, nuzzling herself against your cheek while glaring at the Sludge villain smugly. "Grr! If the Pro's can't defeat me what makes you think you can?!" You chuckled, sharpening the blades attached to your forearms.

"A hero should always find a way!"  His attacks came at you faster and harder, you gladly sliced and diced them easily. However, you stopped to catch your breath for one moment, and he gladly took the chance. He had both of your arms occupied, leaving you vulnerable to his third attack to your side. Shit!

"GRAH!" Your arms were at your sides again, you looked in front of you to see school supplies clattering to the ground. What the?
Looking to your left your eyes widened at the sight of your classmate Izuku, "What are you doing here?! Your gonna get yourself killed!" It seems during your little struggle you failed to notice him running up behind you.

"I don't know! My legs. . . they just started. . .moving!"

The Sludge villain rose a 'hand,' about to attack the green haired male, "Not this brat again! I'm done playing with you!" You shoved Izuku away, crossing your blade-arms in front of your face in an 'X' shape awaiting the blow.

"I really am pathetic," you peered up at All Might from behind your crossed arms, He's a lot more intimidating up close.

Izuku gasped in slight disbelief, "All Might, but. . ." 

"I told you the traits that make a great champion, but I see now I wasn't living up to my own ideals," All Might said while grabbing Midoriya. "Pro's are always risking their lives! That's the true test of a hero!" 

"Damn you All Might!" The Sludge villain tried to land a hit, but you interrupted the attack with a swing of your arms. "Detroit... Smash!" The force from All Might's punch was so strong, you had to stab the ground beneath you to keep from flying away. Once it was over, you heard the people nearby mumbling amongst themselves, soon it turned into cheering. I should leave now while they're distracted, you took the opportunity, silently thanking All Might for (involuntarily) being a distraction.

  On a nearby roof you stopped and watched as Bakugou was praised for his bravery, while Midoriya was scolded. You giggled, but scurried away when a nearby citizen questioned where you were. I should definitely get outta here now.

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"Ughhhhhh," you rested your face on the cool surface of your desk. I have SO MANY freaking bruised from yesterday, it hurts like hellllll.

'Quit your whining you've been through worse'

'Not helping Blitzy'

"Are you ok (L/n)-san?" You lifted your head to find emerald orbs staring back at you in concern. " yeah yeah, perfectly fine, " you waved him off, he nodded before going back to his desk. Everyone is talking about yesterday, why can't they shut up? It's all about All Might, nothing about Silver-Web. Not that I'm complaining, I'm just happy most of the injuries most of the citizens there had are minor.

"Hey Bakugou All Might saved you right?"

" you're so lucky! "

Bakugou clicked his tongue, "I didn't get saved by All Might, he just finished off the villain. I was saved by someone else, pretty sure they're a vigilante." Acknowledgement finally.

Wait why do I care-?

A/n; I hope you guys were able to imagine the fight well. I sketched some parts of it in my sketchbook, I might post it later if y'all want me to. Next chapter you're taking the entrance exams~

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