Entrance Exams

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Over the next 10 months nothing changed much for you, except that you started training to push your symbiote's limits as well as your own. Other than that all you did was wake up, eat, go to school, fight crime, do homework, sleep (barely) and repeat. Until finally. . . the day of the entrance exams arrived.

After taking the written, everybody gathered in the auditorium to receive instructions for the physical. The lights dimmed and Present Mic appeared, he began to explain the rules and what-not. Until he was interrupted by a blue-haired male,
"May I ask a question?" "Go right ahead"

"On the printout there are four types of villains. If that is a misprint then U.A., the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake. We examinees are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes," he turned and pointed at Izuku who was sitting in front of you. Don't you dare call out his adorable mumbling you son of a-

"In addition, you over there with the curly hair. You've been muttering this whole time, stop it. Its' distra- Mmph!" His eyes widened as you chuckled. You had shot some webbing at his mouth, effectively shutting him up. "Leave the poor broccoli alone dude, we're all nervous about this exam and we have different ways of showing it. In fact, you probably made his nerves worse by calling him out," Present Mic intervened, explaining that the fourth bot was worth 0 points and was just an obstacle being thrown your way. Seeing as he had no way to argue, the blue-nette bowed and gave a muffled thanks before taking his seat once more. Present Mic dismissed you all, you headed to your bus but not before you felt someone about to tap your shoulder.

You caught their wrist,looking over your shoulder you were met with emerald orbs. "Oh it's just you," Izuku tilted his head in confusion at your response but said nothing about it. "Thanks for standing up for me (L/n)-san," letting go of his wrist you nodded and you both headed to your bus that would take you to battle center B. Once you got there you separated from Midoriya to find a place to stretch, taking out your headphones you placed the on your head and played shuffled your music. Once the gates opened you attached a web to the arch and swung above all the others into the arena. The test had begun.

"Heroes don't have a countdown morons what are you waiting for?" You shouted at the stunned students. "They're right! What are you listeners waiting for get a move on!"

You stopped running, coming face to face with a 3 pointer. "Tch, this is gonna be easy," You shot your webs at it, getting a good grip you turned around, pivoted your foot, flipped the robot over you and slammed it into the road in front of you.

"In this practical exam, the examinees have not been informed of the number of villains or their locations. They have a limited amount of time in a vast area. they have to draw the villains out from there. Information gathering ability to understand the situation better than anyone else. Mobility that can be used in many different circumstances. Discernment to be able to stay calm in any situation. And pure combat abitlity. These basic abilities needed to keep peace in the streets are turned into points in this test. The best ones use all of these to get by," one of the screen became bigger, showing you climbing up one of the walls looking for other points. You then got a group of bots to chase you, and once you were 'surrounded' you shot webs at at one of the bots and began spinning around, hitting every robot that had circled you.

"Doesn't this years group look promising?"

"Well, we can't know for sure yet. Their true test is still to come," One of the judges pushed a button, the entire arena began to quake.

What the fuck? Holy shit that's one big robot. . .

You ran across the rooftops, soon enough you were running towards the robot instead of away from it. "AH!" You looked over to see a girl with purple hair and earjacks for earlobes about to be crushed, swinging over to her you shot out multiple webs. Effectively keeping the debris from turning her into a human pancake, "Thanks!" She bowed before running with the others. I see you UA, testing our true colors huh?

You ran behind the robot, helping others out of the rubble along the way.


You grabbed the last person and jumped onto a nearby rooftop, setting them down you used the falling robots momentum and caught your green haired classmate. Using your webs you pulled yourself to the side of a building and stuck to it, you started your descent downwards after making sure Izuku's injuries wouldn't be aggravated further.
After putting Midoriya down and making sure everyone was ok, you proceeded to fall onto your back and take a 5 second nap-

Just kidding, you actually went over to a brunette that was gonna be crushed by the 0 pointer had Izuku not punched it. You flopped onto the robot piece she was on and pat her back as she puked.


The others around you started talking amongst themselves, you sat up trying to tune out their annoying mumbling. I wonder how many points I got. . .

'I'm sure you did just fine kid.'

'You shocked me, you're so quiet I ALMOST forget you're there'

'Well that's reassuring-

"Did you see that dude's attack? I didn't think he had that type of strength."

"Me either, looks like some kind of re-enforcement type quirk. But, there was something else."

" If he has such an amazing quirk why didn't he snag any points all day? "

"Maybe he was trying to trick all of us."

"Jokes on him, there's no way he's passing with a score like tha- MMHP!" You glared at the others, letting your arm come back down to your side after webbing his mouth shut.

" Will you all shut the fuck up and take in the situation? You're all missing the point, don't you see what he did? He's sacrificed everything to save this girl, that is what being a hero is all about. Sacrificing anything and everything to make sure others are safe. " You 'tch'ed, looking away from the gossiping examinees. "Also, I'm not taking off the webbing. Do it yourself asshat." You could hear his muffled protests, but ignored him as you bandages up Izuku best you could, and left. Let's go eat Blitz Agreed

I'm satisfied with how this came out UwU
Constructive criticism is appreciated as always. If I misspelled something let me know so I can fix it.

I love the Addict Metal cover, and then the video has Dabi how could I not add it?
See you next update, Peace~ ✌

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