Hydrogen and Helium

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Hydrogen's P.O.V
I've always been number one in everything I do. Number one on the periodic table, number one in abundance, number one lowest density in liquid form, and obviously number one at table tennis... but also number one as in alone. I'm very lonely... even if I am the baddest most sexiest element ever to exist in the universe.

"Hey H!," my number two Helium or He as she prefers to be called. I hate her with every atom. From her awfully high shrieking voice to her tastelessness. The worst part about her is that she's kind of an airhead... always floating off into space. The only reason I keep her around is because of her status as a noble gas.

"Hey He! Looking gorgeous as usual!" In reality she looked terrible as usual, but then again everyone looked terrible in comparison to me.

"Aw thanks H! So how life going? Formed any good bonds lately?"

She knows the answer. She's just a being bitch.

"Ha ha no. Fill any good balloons lately? I hear your being used faster than you can keep up with!" I respond.

"Oh H, your so funny! Well I got to go. I'm meeting up with the other noble gasses. You know Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon, and Oganesson! I'd invite you to come but we'll... you know. I'm sure you understand!"

"Of course I understand! I'll talk to you later ok!" I cheered as she walked away. That bitch. I hate how stable she's become. It used to just be me and her... with me before her of course but now that's she's met other, more stable, more noble elements, she's abandoned me.

I just need some companionship. I need someone who really gets me! Someone who can satisfy my needs. I need a man! Maybe even two! I need Someone who will put me first in the equation... I need breath first. I'm getting myself all worked up. I'm number one in my own life... but then again someone else would be nice.

H2O HoeWhere stories live. Discover now