Is water wet?

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Hydrogen's P.O.V.
I was content with Hydrogen, but as always I wanted more and I could tell that Hydrogen was thinking the same thing. H2 was great, but I knew a couple of boys who who be more than willing to combine with me and Hydrogen.

I led hydrogen to O and Oxygen's house and knocked on the door. She was dripping with just as much excitement as I was.

Oxygen answered the door.

"Hey Oxy," I flirted, " how would you and O like to combine and bond with two of the most abundant atoms around?"

"I would love to, but O's not home right now." He answered.

"That's alright. Your far more handsome anyway," Hydrogen, who for the record had never seen O, said.

"Oh- ok. Come on in!"

Electrons collided, combined, were shared. I thought hydrogen was the right one for me, but now I know it is both of them at once. H2O! Atoms coming together... it was like a waterpark. Everything was wet. We were wet... we were water...


Hours later we heard the door open. It was O. Home just in time to join us... H2O2. With him in the mix we were a little more poisonous.

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