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Hi guys...reading this book means a lot to me. I've struggled with so many insecurities and probably struggling with some, I guess it comes with puberty. Bla bla bla...but before you skip, permit me  to use a quote(totally forgot the name of the quoter). "It has to be in you for you to see it in me"

Guys we're talking about feelings here.......EMOTIONS

Get your tissue ready and your comfy reading clothes, but there'd also be humor.

I'm not a therapist, so if you've serious emotional insecurities probably bordering towards depression. I advice you to go see a therapist. I'm writing this story because I believe 'girls talk' helps a great deal and all you've probably needed was encouragement and understanding.

Please do vote and comment. I'm a lazy writer who sometimes have creative ideas but is either to lazy to put it down or feels she's not good enough and should probably quit. So talking about encouragement...I need a lot.

PS: if you read this far you're great.

INSECURITYWhere stories live. Discover now