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"Drop the chicken Joyce" my elder sister said with a glare.

I returned the glare, dropped the chicken and ate my disgusting salad quietly.

"She looks like a balloon already, if she eats more fatty food, she'd surely burst" she muttered under her breath.

My dad heard and tried to intervene "Rhoda let you sister be, stop being mean"

I was shocked even though I shouldn't be, I thought I had grown a thick skin since I'm thick  (winks...who got that), after everything I've been through since the past six month.

I lost my appetite, so I thanked my Dad for dinner, got up from the table and went upstairs.

"Joyce don't cry, you've got thick skin' was the mantra I kept as I hurried to my room. I'm fat, so what? What's the big deal, I've always being like that, and it was no problem, until last year when I clocked fifteen.

"I won't think about this", I decided and went to bed.

I woke the next morning and started preparing for school, I was almost done when I realized I couldn't find my hair comb, that isn't a dreadful situation to a normal human, but it certainly was dreadful to me cause that means with no other choice than to go into the lion's den. This certainly is a bad start to a bright day.

I walked into Rhoda's room and found her working out. Rhoda has the body of a goddess, and was certainly putting it to good use as a gorgeous model, but she sure pays for it with hard work.

" Hey clumsy, what are you doing in my room, obviously not joining in my work out session" she said with a smirk on her pretty face

"Clumsy" is a nickname Rhoda gave to me, to remind me that I'm fat. 'Fat and clumsy' goes together like 'bread and butter', according to her Royal Highness of meanness.

I sigh its sure gonna be a hectic day "Good morning Rhoda, can you borrow me your comb", I asked while trying to imitate what I hope looks like a smile, 'please' I added on second thought

She shrugs and points to her table.

I picked up the comb and mutter a thank you, on my way out.

Whew, that went well, I went downstairs and saw my Dad preparing a toast in the kitchen.

"Good morning dad", I greeted while pecking his cheek, I totally adore my dad, since he's the only and best parent I've had, since I was five.

"Good morning angel, how's Dad's most beautiful girl doing today"  he asked while passing me a plate of toast

"Well I survived a beastly encounter in the lion's den", I replied while rummaging the fridge for milk. I decided to settle for a diet yoghurt, when I realised Mother Hen was at it again.

My dad laughed "you two are something else but you're the best and all I've got, you know she loves you right"

"Hmm! She has a funny way of showing it"

"She does baby, now finish your food and off you go"

I finished my food that included that distasteful thing called yoghurt.

"Bye Dad"

"Bye love, have fun"

Only my Dad says "have fun at school", well Rhoda is truly a Mother Hen, no matter how mean she may behave, sometimes she truly is protective of me and loves me fiercely, especially since when we lost our Mom, five years ago.

Actually Rhoda was not always mean, I remember when she'd take me shopping and play with me. All that stopped when she entered Uni, and I hit puberty.

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