As One Arc (Pt 2)

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Human Nezuko: Don't apologize Onii-chan.

Human Nezuko: Why do you always apologize?

Human Nezuko: Are we unhappy because we're poor? Is it because we can't afford beautiful kimono's?

Human Nezuko: Do you badly want to blame someone? Then father's disease would be a bad thing too.

Tanjiro: Even if we tried our outmost best, we can't beat them.

Human Nezuko: We are human beings brother. Things tend to not go our way. It is your decision to be happy or whatever.

Human Nezuko: What important is "Now" We need to work together to face the hard future. Don't Apologize Nii-san. You should understand. Understand how I feel.

*Tanjiro returns conscious*

Tanjiro: HAH, huh. Am I dead? Was that a dream? Where am I?

Gyu: Oh you're still alive. You're one lucky dude.

Tanjiro: !!!!!

Gyu: Well, all you got was luck, How sad mannnn, Everyone is pretty much dead except for you mannnn, Boar got stabbed, The guy with yellow hair is trapped from the wreckage of the building, He is still squirming though. And that pillar died from my poison mannn his heart stopped, He was weak.

Gyu: Pathetic, Pathetic, Your all God Damn Pathetic mannnn. You most of all my mannn.

Gyu: So, your blood relative is the only thing that kept you going huh. So, Younger or Older?

Tanjiro: *Why isn't he killing me. I'm so numb I can't move* Younger...

Gyu: Heeheee I figured, You couldn't keep your little sister safe. Your weak... even though she's a demon and your human, You should be the one protecting her, not you being protected heheheh. Pathetic my mannnn

*Gyu then proceeds to break one of Tanjiro's finger*


Gyu: Hey how do you feel man? You're pathetic and alone, your last ray of hope is down the drain. Hey maggot, Dimwit, HEY YOU DUNCE ANSWER ME.

*Tanjiro looks up at Gyu's face*

Gyu: Tell me, Why were you born? Hee-Hee, Useless.

Gyu: Oh come on look. *Gyu leans a bit closer to Tanjiro* Here cut off my head, do it...

*Tanjiro didn't do it, He looked at the ground and stumbled but before he could stumble, he took something from the satchel from Hinatsuru near him.

Gyu:Pathetic HUMAN. !!! Oh, I know! HEHEHHEHEEE YEAH YEAH! You pathetic human, your body is weak! Finally, giving up huh?

Daki: Pft *Watching from the roof*

Gyu: I like your dirty scar. I don't hate you, as a matter of fact I love weaklings. Hey don't you wanna be a demon? FOR YOUR SISTER!

Tanjiro: !!!!! Huh?

Gyu: Yeah, Yeah If you become a good demon we can become buddies, I'll even help you out. If you don't I'll beat your sister to death! I don't care about other peoples siblings.

Daki: Wait, Onii-chan Don't! It's a bad idea, I refuse.

Gyu: Whattya say? Ditch that old weak, crippled body. You will become strong in a flash. WELL....WELL?!

*Tanjiro looks unto the sky*

Gyu: Ah, good... Your own weakness sicken you huh?

Gyu:*When people grieve the look unto the sky, and then the water works heeee-heeee*

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