Part 6

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In a world constantly telling you
that you are in search of your
"other half"
let me remind you
that you are already whole
you are not a puzzle piece
or the missing remain of a broken heart
you, as you are, is complete
you, on your own, are your own soulmate

Didn't anyone ever tell you?
If there is still room for hope,
then there is still room
for heartbreak.

Night time let me tell you it's fucking glorious, luna is a midnight sun she knows every secret of yours nobody dares to ride long hours with her ⎯ dawn approaches piercing rays through her star blanket as my eye dies slow yearning her ethereal face again.

Golden sunlight, immeasurable redeemer,
You knew me before I was born,
You held my hand as I danced with darkness,
You forgave me when I stole, lied, and hurt
And loved me tenderly even as I turned my back on home.
You are the light in the window,
The solid rock that my feet walk steadily upon
As you guide me through the wilderness,
Parting dark waters, keeping the wolves at bay,
Toward hope, toward home, toward love.

I don't want to be eternal, or celestial, or immortal,
I just want someone to let me lose myself in them for a moment,
without feeling embattled or responsible, or wanting to remove me like weeds.
I just want to feel intermittent for a moment, ethereal,
to be allowed to love seriously.

Did I starve myself intentionally of this love I held before me? A love freely given and yet I refused as if mad. Who would do such a thing? When all that is left are the memories and an emptiness of both home and heart. A foolish one at that. ~ B.T.

I know, I could afford to be wrong, to be unexpectedly mundane, and I wish you could tell me something to understand you wholly; I am not holding back or afraid of feelings, kiss me or shut me instead, this irrepressible ebullience is caressing me.

The brevity of time stops as it encompasses into your arms, the constellations in your skin, as if I can trace the universe; somehow, there is this force in me to undress you or vulgarize the sweet palpitations or enrich the climax in my head, to simply what is necessary to livingness, or the intermissions of isolation: that here, with you, the magnetism is strong, so wild and privy, bursting in myriad of colors and shapes.

The sound of your breath on my neck is not quite so loud as ocean waves are Your breath on my neck sounds warmer than the ocean and not quite so big

In the end, everyone leaves. But I hope you will have wanted to stay.

These butterflies caged in my chest, unravel the brief and stolen atmosphere between us; look at me now, patiently, look at me now without hesitation, slice me open with your fingers, anchor me with your weight, see if I am retaliating, see if I am giving up this force, that is outwardly flowering in my senses,

For a moment, I felt like life is worth living.


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