Chapter 3: Baseball Puns?

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(New cover idea above. Can you readers give me some input on it? Thanks for all the support of this story!)

I was standing in the trees with the blue-haired boy from earlier, Nagisa, and another of my classmates, Sugino. Yellow was reading a Hawaiian newspaper on a lounge chair bathing in the sun. I could make out a little bit of the cover, not much. He really does like to know everything huh?

"The moon and the SAO incident is all they're talking about in the states too. Does no one care about anything else?"
I could hardly believe my ears, SAO? What does that newspaper say? I leaned a little closer to see any of the print.

"Thanks Nagisa, I owe you one." I leaned back, just in case. Must have missed the conversation, almost forgot this is an assassination attempt. Sugino got his modified baseball ready and threw it as fast as he could.

"Top of the morning to ya!" I jumped a bit and swerved around. "It's usually considered polite to reply." I looked back at where he was just a millisecond ago and looked at him again. I just mumbled a good morning.

Nagisa apologized and Yellow had a baseball glove on. Are you kidding me!? He had enough time to get a glove from the storage shack!? Yellow proceeded to compliment Sugino, and he just had to put a pun in there.

I'm going to class. I saw out of the corner of my eye the newspaper Yellow was reading. I snatched it on my way back. Won't hurt to find out more about how much the news knows of the moon, and SAO.


"April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land...-" It was literature class, boring as always. Earlier we named Yellow 'Koro-sensei' because, he's basically an unkillable teacher. It does make sense, although I'm still calling him yellow in my head.

"Suguya!" I looked up at what happened, one of the students was getting scolded. Yellow paused for that dramatic effect, "Not a bad likeness, I'll give you that, but I'm a little hurt by the jaw line." You have no jaw line though... So he was drawing? Huh.


The bell chimed, "That's lunch people, if you'll excuse me I have some important off campus business to attend to."

"Tofu from China?" A student guessed, I think Isogai.

"Actually, I'm catching a ball game in The Big Apple." He zoomed off at top speeds making a dust cloud. New York? Why is he going there?

"Oh, Mr. Karasuma." My attention was brought up to the front where Karasuma walked in.

"Children. Any progress on killing the tentacle menace?"

"Define progress." Nagisa said at the front of the class. Everyone sighed and looked away. I looked down at my desk. I'm not doing anything on purpose though.

"Yeah, this is the E class, yo. You gotta lower your expectations." I think that was Kiraya who said that. I just ignored the rest considering it was probably complaints.

After he left I went outside and sat under a tree to eat. I saw a small tulip patch closer by the building and smiled. There were some peaceful moments in SAO, and this kinda reminded me of those moments. I even remember just laying on the ground all day just because that day had the best weather in the entire year, silly me. The Lighting Flash from the Knights of the Blood Oath had even tried to scold me, but in the end she fell asleep and she owed me dinner. Man, I am not going to get good food like that anymore. I ate the bun I had packed with some cream. I accidentally forgot water, oh well.


Yellow messed up and plucked all the tulips the girls planted, they were a lovely shade to, he had to replant them and now... He's bound to a rope and avoiding people stabbing at him. I grabbed my knife case, not exactly unsheathing it.

The branch he was on broke and he fell, panicked and then went to the roof. I was nearby and did something stupid. Why am I climbing into the school roof? I don't have the agility of my avatar!

"Huh! Kirigaya-san, what are you doing!?" I slowly pulled myself up and joined him. I sheepishly smiled and rubbed the back of my head.

"Uh, don't know. Just decided to climb up here when you did." I awkwardly laughed a bit seeing all the stares I was getting. I faintly felt the knife case still in my hand on the roof. Might as well try to do something to show I'm trying. I quickly in one motion unsheathed the special rubber knife and dashed for a tentacle.

"Nice try, Kirigaya-san. But you must be a bit more creative with your assassination attempts." He tsked at me.

"Yes, Ye- Koro-sensei." Oh geez, that was close. I almost called him Yellow in front of the whole class. I scooted down a bit to safely get down from the roof.

I didn't really talk to anyone on the way back to the classroom, I got my purple backpack and left for home. Oh, right! I took that one newspaper earlier! I shuffled threw my back and found the crumpled newspaper. I stretched it out and looked for anything regarding SAO.

"New book out on the Sword Art Online incident!" A book? "Now out in stores! Look for 'The Complete SAO Incident Records'!"

I stuffed the paper back into my backpack before reaching the official campus. I made a small detour into the shopping district to find that book.


The new transfer student is an interesting one. Kazuto Kirigaya came the same day I did apparently, she was in crutches at first but she didn't need them after a few days. She has been really quiet though, just looking on at what is happening around here.

I feel like she isn't here sometimes, with her stoic expression hinting at melancholy.

Her reflexes are quite amazing though, to think she could actually cut off a pad from my tentacles, starting with the knife sheathed. She is the first to land a bit on me.


Was she the one who took my newspaper? I barely noticed her, with Nagisa and Sugino. She was gone before my lecture was done though...

Why would she want a Hawaiian newspaper though?

Quite interesting indeed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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