Acknowledgements and Dedication

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To my sisters,
in blood and in Christ

No book is written alone, and that is definitely true for Melody. The number of times I almost dropped this story out of discouragement, a crushing sense of inadequacy, and the sheer overwhelm of trying to write a novel... Well, I lost count. And these are the people that kept me going.

My sister Rose was the first fan. As a fellow writer, an avid reader, and a particular appreciator of fairytales and their retelling, she was all in right from the start. She had a big influence on some of the major plot elements, so you have her to thank for some of the best scenes in the story. Thanks, sis. Melody is a brighter book because of you.
Instagram: @rosies_bookshelf

I have to mention my husband. He has been a nonstop supporter of all my writing endeavors since even before we were married. He read the first draft of Melody in under three hours (yeah, he reads fast) and sincerely loved it, and since then became one of my primary brainstorming partners. A lot of the clarity I gained about the themes of the story came from our late night talks. I love you, babe. <3

My dear friend Kat has been an invaluable source of encouragement, insight, and critique ever since I embarked on the second draft of Melody. Some of the things she said to me when I was mired in doubt brought me nearly to tears. She believed in more than just this story, she believed in me. You simply can't put a price on that. Thank you; you are a true sister in Christ, my dear friend.
Instagram: @capturingquintessence

I've got to mention three supporters from Instagram who have stuck with this story through all the ups and downs, the plans that fell through, the dates that changed, and everything else. Jenni and Meghan and Aquinnah. They were all amazing beta readers, and their faithful, unwavering excitement for this story's release in any format has blown my mind. You guys, seriously... you're everything an author could ask for.
Instagram: @ivorypalaceprincess and @themaecave and @aquinnahbree

And to every single one of my incredible beta readers, thank you!! Your comments helped shape this story and helped shape me as a writer. Know that you have had a hand in everything I write from now on. You taught me so much just by taking the time to read and comment on my story. That means more to me than I can say.

Last, but not least, to you, dear reader. Regardless of what you think of this story, thank you for giving it a few moments in your life and a chance in your heart.

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