The Plans

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(Just made that picture tonight - hope you like it!)


Word had come to him that his daughters were seen preparing for a fight, and Oberyn knew that the time had come. Doran could no longer hold out on his plans. They could either bring their machinations to light, or risk everything falling apart.

He watched them slowly enter the room with Areo. They were on their guard, as if the battle they anticipated had merely shifted locations. Were they truly willing to fight family for the right to kill a Lannister?

How far they had all fallen.

Doran still sat at the head of the room, his eyes clear and pain-free, ready to do his duty, whether it was to issue commands or punishment, he would surely show them soon enough. Arianne sat to his right, calm, but undoubtedly confused as well. Her hands rested neatly in her lap, but Oberyn could see her picking at the threads of her dress.

As for himself, Oberyn sat on his brother's left side, leaning forward on his knees, the weapons of his daughters lying at his feet: spear, blades, and whip. For once, the idea of them covered in Lannister blood brought him no joy. The thought alone made him frown deeply.

He had begged Ellaria remain with their other daughters.

"Am I not your prince?" Doran asked, as the doors closed and they were left alone with none but Areo to guard them. "Do my commands mean nothing to you? Does this house mean nothing to you?"

Obara's frown only deepened. Nymeria straightened her back. Only Tyene glanced at her feet, the barest amount of shame showing through.

"Do you bear no love for your country?"

"It is for our country that we would do this!" Obara snapped, stepping forward. Areo was at her side in an instant, ready to protect his prince, but Doran waved him off. The Sand Snakes would not dare.

"How long have our countrymen cried for justice, Uncle?" Nymeria asked, ever the diplomat, her tongue as sharp as blades. "How often must we hear the tragic tale of our princess and know that there is no justice?"

"You house the son of the man who had her killed," Tyene added.

"The son," Doran emphasized, looking at them all. "Not the father. Should all children pay for the crimes of their parents?"

Obara snorted. "Little Aegon and Rhaenys did, and they were far more innocent than the likes of Jaime Lannister."

"Perhaps, but his crimes are not ours to punish."

Tyene shook her head. "He should have been with them. They were his to protect, and he failed them."

"He was with his king."

"He was killing his king," Nymeria pointed out flatly.

"And what a king he was..."

Oberyn looked to his brother as his voice trailed off. He wondered if perhaps Doran did not mean to say those last words aloud. There was a distant look to his face, pensive. He knew he had spoken to the Kingslayer some days ago, and wondered if something had been revealed to him then.

He also knew that unlike the others in the room, Doran had met Aerys Targaryen well before the madness had claimed him. Oberyn supposed he might have too, but had been too young to recall such an event. There were few alive who could recollect the man before the Mad King, but those who did described it as a great tragedy. As dishonorable as the action had been, perhaps his brother could not help but side with the Kingslayer in that regard.

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