I know I said the other one was the last one sorry

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Okay so the poll on the whole TodoDeku dating thing is almost over but going off of all the comments I have decided to narrow down the options for the dating things going based off of the comments. 

So if you want, 

(ShinKamiDeku) Comment here with purple, yellow and green hearts

If you want, 

(Monama X Deku) Comment here with the heart with a bow and a green heart 

And there isn't a whole lot of Todoroki ships so if you want him to get with anyone comment here and with who (Remember him and Deku aren't getting back together so plz don't comment TodoDeku)

If you don't want Todoroki to get with anyone then comment 'No' here

And before you guys get mad at me saying "They just got out of a relationship they can't already be getting back into another relationship" They won't be getting into the relationship right away it will happen later I just want to get opinions in now so I can hint at a relationship and somehow work it into the story later

That's all can't wait to see your comments I will be checking them all tomorrow night (I'm gonna be busy all day) so make sure to get your comments in! Because every comment counts and I want to make sure everyone of my readers gets to put their own opinion. 

Have a great rest of your day/night♡

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