184 9 8


Sonic- 21
Shadow- 22
Tails- 17
Cream- 15
Knuckles- 20
Sally- 19 (Sally isn't a princess in this)
Amy- 18


~Sonic's POV~

"Thank you, thank you!" I shouted over the noice if my cheering audience. I had just finished performing my lastest song, Life of The Party, dedicated to my girlfriend, Sally Acorn. And now, I was exhausted.

"Sir, here's your water." An employee of mine handed me a bottle of water as I walked of stage.

"Thanks." I uttered before jugging the while bottle in 5 seconds flat. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and slam-dunked the empty bottle into the trash can.

I plopped down on the couch to take a breather before yelling, "Tails, let the VIP's in!"

Tails nodded and opened the door and Sally ran in.

"Oh, Sonic! You were great! I loved your song! In fact, I love all your songs!" She hugged me until her time was up. Even then, she held my hand for the rest of the night, ignoring my requests for her to let go.


"No, I don't have any other ideas!...... Life of the Party is still a big hit!................ I don't care...... No, i-.... UGG! WILL YOU SHUT UP AND LISTEN?" It's been a week since my latest concert and right now, I was having an argument with my producer, Scourge the Hedgehog. He's impatient and tries to get me to write a new song every other day!

I'm still debating whether or not to fire him.

I sighed at his lastest request. "Ya know what, I don't care! Fricken deal with it!! I'm going out." Then, I hung up. Serves his right.

I sighed. "Hey Knucks, wanna go get a coffee?" I asked my camera man, Knuckles the Echidbat.


"Let's go then. I know this cool place that has a 'no cameras inside' policy, so famous people go there all the time!"

"Cool, can Rouge and Tails come?" Rouge is Knuckles' wife and a friend of mine while Tails is my best friend, brother, and emotional support when I think I can't continue!

"Tails, yes. Rouge, no. I wanna spend some quality time away from cameras with my two best buds!" I replied. Knuckles visibly deflated at my statement, but popped right back up at 'two best buds'.

Oh yeah, that's why I love him! In a friend kind of way, what were you thinking, he has a wife, and I have a girlfriend!?!

"Hey, Baxter, go get Tails!" I called to an employee of mine walking past us in the hallway. He's also a good friend of Tails'.

"Yes, sir!" He immediately went off to find his friend.

"Sonic, you wanted me?" A voice asked.

"Woah, that was fast!" Knuckles commented.

"Well duh, I was in the hallway." Tails replied with a bored expression.

I sighed. I really wanted that coffee. "Now that you're both here, can we go now?" Impatience is kinda my thing.


"We are here, Mr. Hedgehog. Mr. Echidbat, Mr. Prower." Our choffure (The spelling's probably way off....) Informed us, the limosine smoothly gliding to a stop in front of a small yet bright and welcoming building.

Vanilla's Coffee and Sweets. My favorite coffee place ever!

We walked inside and found that it was crowded, but empty at the same time. Got what I mean? Anyways, we walked in and I got a few gasps from some of the non-regulars to see a famous singer walk in the door.

I ignored them and sat down.

After we had gotten settled, Cream the Rabbit came up to us. She had grown into a beautiful 15 year old and her mother had let her work at her café.

"Hello Mr. Sonic! Hi, Mr. Knuckles! Hey Tails! What can I get you today?" Her voice was sweet like honey. She was like a magnet for customers because she's so kind and thoughtful.

"Just the usual, Cream." I told her. She jotted it down in her notebook and turned to Tails and Knuckles.

"Uh, I want what Sonic's having!" Knuckles loudly remarked.

"And you, Tails?"

Tails blushed and said, "Uhh... P-pepermint latte and some c-chocolates, p-please!"

Tails has this massive crush on Cream, but she hasn't noticed yet.

"Okay, is that all?" Cream asked.

"Yup! Thanks Cream!" I spoke for everyone, smiling at the teenage rabbit in front of me.

"Alright, I'll be right back with your orders!"


True to her word, not 5 minutes later our orders came! We -of course- thanked her and enjoyed our drinks.

I sipped on my cappuccino after blowing on it to cool it down. Tails had downed his pepermint latte and had now started on his chocolate. Knuckles was staring at his cappuccino, not really moving.

"So, umm, how are you guys?" I attempted small talk after setting down my cappuccino.

"I'm good! Love your new song, Live of the Party, by the way! Anyways, how 'bout you?" Tails was the first to respond, but I wasn't really listening. Cream had just walked past us to a table that sat a handsome, ebony and red striped hedgehog with lean muscles covered by his indigo shirt and a tuft of white fur peeking around his coller.

I dropped my cappuccino and I think I had a nosebleed too. Knuckles and Tails looked at me in suprise, but didn't say anything. Cream saw the mess and rushed over to clean it up.

"Mr. Sonic! What happened?!" She asked.

I didn't respond immediately, but when I did, it was a question. "Who. Is. That."

The cream bunny looked at me, "Oh, him? That's just Mr. Shadow. He's a regular, but he always orders take-out. Today's the first day he's come in and sat down!" A pause. "And, he's been asking about you too."

"Cool..." I trailed off and looked away.
When I looked at Shadow a few minutes later, he was staring at me! I looked away again, but felt his stare on my back. Again, I looked at him. We stared at each other for a few minutes before he smiled at me! I felt my face heat up and quickly looked away, my heart pounding and my blood pumping with adrenaline. He had smiled at me, the cutest man I have ever seen, smiled at me!

Once I calmed down enough, I looked back at his table, seeing that he was still staring.

He smiled again and I stood up, planning to walk to Shadow's table and talk to him.


A Singer's Love and HeartacheOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant