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~Shadow's POV~

"Uh... Hello, Shadow, isn't it?" I looking up. It was the blue hedgehog I took a fancy to earlier. Sonic, I think it was.

"That's me. Sonic, is it?" I cooly responded, contrasting with my panicking mind. He came over to talk. To me!

"Good. Um... I-is this booth raken- I mean, uh, can I sit with you? Ahh! I-i mean M-may I sit down?" Sonic asked, his gaze flitting around like a butterfly and his hands ajusting his shirt, pants, gloves, anything he could reach with his shaking hands.

"Uh... Y-yeah..." Dang, his nerves are getting to me too. I ajusted my shirt like him as he say down.

"Thanks. So um... H-how are you? I mean, I'm doing fine, I just-" Sonic started. At the same time, I also started talking.

"Uh.. I'm fine, my sister just got married and I found out I was g-" Oops. I was almost going to tell the male person I just met that I'm gay.

"Hey, look!" Someone shouted, silencing the whole café and filling it with their voice, "My two favorite singer's are sitting together!" Heads turned towards us, everyone talking at the same time.

We looked at each other in shock, "Wait... You're a singer too?!?" The exclamation left our lips at the same time, drawing more attention to us.


~2 weeks later~

"Hey Shadz!" Sonic plopped down in the chair across from me and smiled. I smiled back and he blushed, looking away.

"What? Ya nervous?" I teased him.

"What, no! I'm not nervous, I never said I was nervous, who said anything about being nervous!?" The words came tumbling out if his mouth in a rush. My military training before my singing days told me that he was excited, stressed out, and nervous at the same time.

I just asked him a simple question, but to be honest, I was feeling the same way.

"Okay fine, I'm nervous." Sonic admitted when I glared at him. His face was cherry red and mixed with his azure blue fur, creating a nice hue of purple. Adorable~

~More time skipping, I'm lazy af and wanna get this chapter done XD~

~A month later~

Sonic's POV

"Oh man, it's really coming down hard out there!" I exclaimed, huddling with Shadow under his umbrella.

"Yeah, it's practically raining cats and dogs!" He agreed, almost laughing.

"..." I stared at him until he turned to face me.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Nah, I just never took you as the joking type!" I responded in pretend shock.

"Yeah, right. Faker~" Shadow grinned at me and teasingly punched my shoulder.

"You're comparing me to you? Ha! You're not even good enough to be my fake!" I played along.

Shadow play-growled and retorted with, "I'll make you eat those words!"

I laughed and we scuffled around, play-fughting until we ended up at Shadow's apartment, our game slowing to a stop when he pulled out a key and unlocked the door.

"Hey, um.. you're soaked, wanna come inside and dry off?" Shadow offered.

"No thanks, I have to go out again, so what's the point of drying off?" I declined.

"Oh. Okay." Shadow sounded upset but I didn't pay it much attention. We stood there in an awquard silence, staring at each other. My eyes moved on their own accord and stared into the ebony hedgehog's crimson gaze.

When Shadow noticed this, he blushed and stammered out, "W-what are y-you d-doing?"

I blushed too, "A-ahh! I-i'm so s-sorry! I-i'm not usually like this, I don't know what's happening!"

"I-it's okay. Anyways, I need to get some stuff done, so see you around?" Shadow asked.

"Yeah, I guess. See you around." I waved at him and turned away, accelerating to Mach 1 to try and avade the rain.

'Shadow,' I thought, 'I don't know what you're doing to me, but I like it!' And then lyrics to a song started flooding my head. I thought about it for awhile before deciding on a title.

Nervous by Sonic the Hedgehog. (JK Shawn Mendes XD)

'I like the sound of that~'


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