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~Shadow's POV~

"Sonic, answer me truthfully. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with Sally Acorn?"

Sonic looked at me, his mouth opening and closing like a gaping fish until he finally replied. "Y-yes, I do."

I leaned back and sighed. Let me catch you up. A week has passed since I caught Sonic staring into my eyes. We barely talked afterwards, it was extremely awquard to see each other the next day. Anyways, Sonic arranged to meet up with me where we first met, Vanilla's Coffee and Sweets. To tell me that he was planning to propose to his girlfriend, a chipmunk named Sally Acorn.

So here they were.

"Really? Are you absolutely, positivity sure?" I demanded, sitting upright and glaring at my blue doppelganger until he looked away.

"You're right," Sonic sighed, "I love her but..." Another sigh. Then silence.

I opened my mouth to speak, but he interupted me with a wail.

"I don't know, Shads!" Sonic wailed, dumping his face onto his hands. "I just don't know... I love her, but I'm actually... Gay. And... I love someone else."

I froze. "Who?"

Sonic sighed for the millionth time today. ".....you." I could barely hear the whispered word.

I was speechless for awhile. Little did he know, I felt the same way, but... He has a girlfriend...

"I..." I couldn't find the right words.

Sonic looked up with fear in his eyes. "I-i'm sorry Shads, y-you're probably not gay, I'm sorry, I have to go..."

"Sonic!" I shouted, recovering from my shock and cutting his frantic scrambling short halfway to the door. "I've never told anyone before, but... I'm also gay and I've realized...."

Sonic stared at me, not moving a muscle. I stood up and grabbed him by the shoulders and promptly kissed him. On the lips! I was kissing a boy. That has a girlfriend. The most shocking thing was, he kissed back!

When we pulled apart, I whispered in his ear: "I love you too, Sonic the Hedgehog." Sonic was blushing like crazy when he pulled away from me.

"I-i'm sorry, I-i really have to go, take these, come to the William Stadium at three, see you there!" And with that said, he ran off, instantly breaking the sound barrier with ease.

I looked down at what he shoved in my hand, discovering a front row ticket with VIP access for his concert... I can't wait!


Sorry it's so short, I just needed to finish 😅 Anyways, Sonic's concert will be next chapter, hope you all got your tickets, they sold out a few minutes ago!

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