❀chapter three❀

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Everyone was sleeping except for kairi he was just sitting in his room thinking about mattia so much. He can't stop I mean they are together but he never thought of mattia very hard. He sat there and stared at the wall to remember so moments since the room was dark. He didn't know how to feel but he snuck out of his house and walked around he was very bored and also couldn't stop thinking of mattia. He then stopped because he saw a shadow in front of him. It was a guy in black everything he even covered his face with a mask. Kairi was very scared and didn't know what to do but quickly run. He was running away out of breath and didn't see him. He was looking for him but nothing and then a random guy pulled him close and covered his mouth and put him in a van and drove off. Alvaros alarm rang and got up. He then got ready and found clothes to wear. Once he was done with everything his phone vibrated. It was a warning? He looked at his phone and it said.

"A boy has been kidnapped at 12:30 at night be careful out there"

Alvaro was surprised and looked confused. He just left it alone and kept getting ready. But once he was walking he saw mattia and Alejandro at someone's house. He went up to them and was confused.

Alvaro: what's going on?
Alejandro: kairi is gone..
Mattia: my god..
Alvaro: wait the warning had to be kairi..
Mattia: what warning?
Alvaro: you guys didn't get it!
Mattia: no
Alejandro: I did but.. oh.. oh! You're right!
Alvaro: we need to find him
Mattia: where is this guy
Alejandro: were gonna have to miss school
Alvaro: no shit Sherlock well of course
Alejandro: dont talk to me like that ok
Alvaro: mk
Alejandro: miss wanna come with us
Kairis mom: I wanna stay here with comfort if you guys find him please take him back to me

They go and walk around to see if they will find anything. Once they were walking Alvaro found a napkin that had alcohol that makes someone sleep. He picked it up and the nose was bleeding too some how.

Alvaro: guys look there blood on this
Alejandro: don't touch it put it back on the ground
Alvaro: okie. Well I think we know who it is I guess
Alejandro: it has to be kairi..
Alvaro: yep
Alejandro: mattia you haven't been talking are you ok
Mattia: y-yeah yeah I am
Alvaro: we're gonna find kairi soon it's gonna be fine
Mattia: I miss him I should've texted him..
Alvaro: it's ok let's keep going

They kept looking for more clues until they saw some wheels that were on the ground. Mattias heart was beating and he ran following the wheels.

Alvaro: mattia wait!
Alejandro: where are you going!

They followed mattia and saw some scratched wheels on the ground he kept following it and led to a house that had gates that the house looked deep and dark. Mattia kicked the gates and kicked the door down there was no one to be seen. All mattia heard we're whining and sounded like someone was crying. He searched for him and it sounded like he was in the room. He saw kairi tied up and held he even had tape on his mouth he quickly carried kairi out the house and saw a black van coming his way so he hid in some bushes and ran. The other two saw kairi in mattias arms the boys followed him and ran to kairis house. Once they arrived mattia took everything off gently. He didn't wanna hurt him. Once he was done taking everything off kairi kept crying and mattia hugged him.

Mattia: are you hurt..
Kairi: y-yes..
Mattia: where..
Kairi: my ribs they kicked me and punched me..
Mattia: its ok I'm here now
Kairi: thank you

Alevaro, mairi (wet dreams)Where stories live. Discover now