The honeymoon

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After they made sweet sweet love, Nessa told Alex that she didn't feel good. Alex went to the store to get a pergancy test for his wife so he did and what they found out is surprising they found that Nessa was with child WTF both of them said we have to call Aaron and Roni and tell the news so Alex called Aaron and Roni answer (Aaron and Roni living together) Hey Nessa I have two things to tell you what to you have to tell me I got married to Aaron and I'm pregnant. 

When did you and Aaron wahoo, we wahooed  a few times now 

Wait what do you have to tell me?

I'm also pregnant.

Nessa asked Roni are you sure that your pregnant Roni said yes wed found out after your wedding. Wait you were pregnant I couldn't tell how far along were you I was close to have birth my water broke after your wedding remember Nessa you and Alex were both there ask Alex ok I will ends phone call.

Hay Alex did Roni give birth Alex said yes he also said man you really do have a bad memory haha Jk I love you said to Nessa, Nessa said I love you too. I think I feel the baby coming we need to go home now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So they hopped on a plane and went back to LA into their house that they already have to call the doctor.

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