Twelve. Hunter's Moon.

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Evelyn had finally gotten to the point where she knew the names of ninety percent of the kids that usually came to story time or the other library events on any given day. There were always a few unfamiliar faces or familiar faces that usually showed up on a different day, but in general, they had a fairly steady group that came week after week. The Tuesday-regulars were her favorite group. They were mostly five and six year olds, all homeschooled by their parents or a nanny, and they knew each other so they interacted like a class.

When Evelyn sat down to read to them, she felt like a teacher.

She had just finished reading a book called Little Witch Loves Autumn from a series of books about a precocious little girl called Little Witch. Most of the kids were walking around with their parents picking out books to check out for the week. Evelyn was standing by the circulation desk at the front of the children's section, watching Margaret walk around to confer with the kids and help them find something of interest.

Margaret, she'd realized, was really good at her job. The kids absolutely loved her. She made them laugh, she kept them on task and listening, and they all ran straight to her for a hug when they arrived. Evelyn loved watching her interact with them. She had learned a lot from observing the way Margaret introduced a text or the way she stopped and questioned kids throughout the story. She did so much more than read the words.

Even more impressive was the way she knew the contents of the children's library. There were thousands of books and Margaret was always able to find just the right fit for each child that came in. She was able to match kids with a book they could read on their own successfully, a book they wouldn't be able to put down, a book they would find interesting.

In the rare occasion someone asked for something and she didn't have a specific book in mind right off the bat, she was able to locate something within only a couple of minutes.

Evelyn had never quite realized how much went into being a librarian.

She tore her eyes away from Margaret who was giggling over a book she had just pulled with a little girl named Livvi, because a boy named Matthias was heading her way now with a stack of seven or eight books in his arms. Evelyn thought he was especially sweet. He had a very scholarly attitude for a child. He spoke very clearly and directly and was not at all shy around adults. His glasses certainly fit his persona.

His forehead was level with the counter, but he still insisted on passing the books to Evelyn himself.

"What've we got today?" she asked.

"Books about dragons," he said, standing on tiptoe to see her better.

"Ooh, that sounds very exciting. I'm not sure if I'd like to meet a dragon. Would you?" Evelyn tapped the code on each with her wand to check them in and the titles appeared in the log book in blue ink.

"I would," he said. "Some dragons might be nice dragons, but you'd have to meet them first to know."

"Ah, you're right about that. It's always good to give someone a chance." When she'd scanned in the last book, Matthias passed over his library card. Evelyn tapped it once and his name and card number appeared in the log book beside each of the titles he'd checked out.

"Well," said Evelyn sliding the books across to him, "Will we see you again next Tuesday?"

"Every Tuesday, Miss Evelyn. You should know that by now," he said, shaking his head at her.

She smiled. "You're right, I'm being silly. Looking forward to seeing you again. You'll have to tell me what you think of those books, alright?"

"I will," he said with a purposeful nod.

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