Rant I

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Is it just me that gets a little peeved when people call the boys (especially Kairi) pale? Like if you actually look at them, especially compared to me since I'm like mayo white, they're not actually pale? And this is probably me over thinking this but I feel like, especially with Kairi, it's creating a link between beauty (since Kai is often the more girly one which is a rant for a different day) and being more white? Like Kai is Asian and while he's not super dark I guess he's not necessarily pale? But I constantly see books, especially where he's ultra feminine, describe him as pale.
I should probably mention I don't have a problem with people that write like this and I don't think they're racist or smth it's just something I noticed and wanted to discourage, I guess. And if we do get to a point where we stop calling them pale, please stop describing non-white people's skin with food. It's somewhat fetishizing. Maybe I don't have room to speak since I am very white so if you are a POC can you comment on this with your view?

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