chapter 2 .

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i woke up to the noises of loud shouting .

" no chloe. why were y'all even there? " i heard seven ask chloe.

" chill out, we were just trying to have a little fun." chloe explained to seven.

"what if something happened to her.. then what? "

"nothing was going to happen. i was with her the whole night except that time. "

in my defense chloe was not with me the whole time. i was upstairs and she was downstairs. then i went to the bathroom and she went to go get drinks. that's twice she wasn't with me but w.e sis.

( side note chloe and london are twin sisters and seven is their older brother. )

" why were you there anyway? huh huh? " chloe asked sev ( sev is sevens nickname so y'all not confused. )

" don't worry about me," sev told her.

i got out of bed, grabbed some clothes out my closet and went into my bathroom to go take a shower. when i was done with my shower i got dress and headed downstairs.

" hey sev," i said smiling acting like i didn't hear their conversation earlier.

" wassup london, " sev said as he was mean mugging me.

" what's wrong witchu'?" i asked.

" what did you drink at that party last night to make you black out ?" he asked.

" i didn't drink anything but lemonade seven" i said with an attitude.

" yeah okay. you lucky i got you in time instead of one of them hoes ass niggas."

" you right, but i swear i didn't drink anything but that lemonade they had."

" ight ima catch y'all later tho, " he said.

" wait. where you going?"

" mind your business." " oh and we gotta go somewhere later so you and chloe be ready by 9," he said as he walked off with a bowl of cereal.

i walked up sister to go see what my sister was doing. 

" yo where we going tonight?" i asked.

" a surprise now get dressed and ready but put on something nice..... WEAR A DRESS, " she yelled at me before walking out her room.

i went back into my room and started to pick out an outfit. i don't really like dresses that much. i'm a sweatpants and hoodie type girl, ya feel me. i like to be comfortable and ready to throw hands just in case a lul bitch try and test my gangsta. after hours of trying clothes on i found and outfit and put it on and fixed my hair and then sat on the bed waiting for seven to get home so we could go to wherever we was going.

sooo what y'all think ? is it bad ?

which boy character you think is gone be your fav ?

which girl character you think is gone be your fav ? 

oh && what characters would look good together ??

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