Spanish Speaking Countries

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These include Latin America, the Caribbean Islands, Puerto Rico, and Spain.

Please write what country you are from before answering a question.

What is your story? You can rant all you like before or after answering the questions below.


What is your unbiased view of your ethnicity/culture? What is your opinion both from how you see it and how outsiders see it - is it negative or positive?


What is your language? Are there several languages or dialects? What are some common phrases? What are some curse words?


What is your cuisine? What is your comfort food? What are your favorite snacks? Your favorite drinks? Your favorite desserts?


What are your traditions? Do you have any rituals? Are there some cool ones? Are there some weird ones? What are some common misconceptions about them?


What is your faith, religion, or belief? How much do you practice it, if at all? What are some common misconceptions about it? How do you practice it? What is some discrimination you have heard of or faced?


What are some of your mythology, if you have any?


What is your art? Your music? Your dance? Even your method of defense - it could be pretty artful! Anything!


What is your typical "modern" wardrobe? What is your traditional wardrobe? What is casual or formal?


Do you have any hairstyles unique to your culture - men and women? Do you wear them? Are there certain occasions when you do?


What is the naming system of your culture? Do you have multiple names? Do you have a surname? What are some particular traditions you have for it?


What are the values of your culture? Do you accept, reject, or choose between them, and why?


What are your family values or traditions? Is it a matriarchy or patriarchy? Do you agree or disagree with such values? What is your relationship with your immediate family - parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins? If you would raise a family, will it be similar or different from how your own family?


What is some discrimination or racism you have heard about or faced due to your ethnicity or culture?


If you're currently living in the country or region of your ethnicity/culture, what is it like living there? Are you welcomed or not?


If you're currently living in the country or region NOT of your ethnicity/culture, what is it like living there? Are you welcomed or not?


Have you seen your culture portrayed in any books, shows, movies, etc? Did they portray it accurately? What is your opinion of them?


Have you seen your culture mentioned in the news? Was it negative or positive? What were your thoughts about it?


What are some common stereotypes from your country or culture? Tell me the positive and the negative, the hilariously true and the terrible racist.


What are some sights or things to do in your country?


How have you seen your culture be represented in media such as movies and books? Was it inaccurate or was not a good enough representation? Did it embrace stereotypes or brought them into a new light?


How do you WANT your culture to be represented in media?


Comment here for any questions I haven't thought about and you want to answer. In your comment, please write the question first and then answer it.


Is Spanish the most romantic/sexiest language? Lol


Is your weapon of choice chanclas or something better? Is it chancla, chancleta, or something else? Do you use specific chanclas when at home or outside, or do you use the same one?


Do you do Spanglish which is a mixture of speaking English and Spanish? If you do, do you speak English with Spanish words or Spanish with English words? 


How often have you met someone either in person or in the internet who has a different Spanish vocabulary than you? Do you still understand what do they mean or often it's completely different from what you're used to?


What are some funny traditions or inside jokes for your culture or for the Spanish language? For example, for cursing, sometimes people say "miércoles" instead of "mierda" since they sound similar. 


Have you met people of different cultures outside Spanish speaking ones where your cultures clash in a positive or negative way? For example, "puto" is a curse word in Spanish, but it's a steamed-rice cake dessert in the Philippines. 


If you haven't already said it in the previous question, what are some slang words? 


When speaking Spanish, does it consist of different Spanish from other countries in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar? I was told by a friend he does this. If you do it, why do you do it - is it because you like how that word is said, the word itself, or people around you say it? Is it weird when you do that?


How is Mexican Spanish viewed by the other Spanish speaking countries? I was told that it can be seen as more "streety" or "slangy". Please correct me if I was misinformed. 


Comment here for any questions I haven't thought about and you want to answer. In your comment, please write the question first and then answer it.

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