Pride - Sexual Orientation

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Please write your sexual orientation before answering each question.

What is your story? You can rant all you like before or after answering the questions below.


What is your unbiased view of your sexual orientation? What is your opinion both from how you see it and how outsiders see it - is it negative or positive?


What does your flag mean? Feel free to share a link of what it looks like or just describe it.


Queer is an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities. Do you call yourself queer? Why or why not?


When and how did you figure out your sexual orientation?


When you came out to someone, whether it to be a family member or a friend, what was the response/reaction you received compared to what you had expected or wanted? If you did not come out, what was the reasoning behind that decision?


What was your experience meeting other members of the LGBTQ+ community along with those of the same sexual orientation? Have you attended a Pride parade?


What is your culture's - whether it be ethnicity or religion - view on your sexual orientation and how has it impacted you?


What are some stereotypes on your sexual orientation or all sexual orientations? What are some funny ones and what are some very hurtful ones?


How have you seen your sexual orientation be represented in media such as movies and books? Was it inaccurate or was not a good enough representation? Did it embrace stereotypes or brought them into a new light?


How do you WANT your sexual orientation to be represented in media?


Comment here for any questions I haven't thought about and you want to answer. In your comment, please write the question first and then answer it.


I have heard that there was some "hate" against bisexuals and pansexuals. From my research, it was because some people believe that their indecisive or lying to themselves. What are your thoughts about that?


Comment here for any questions I haven't thought about and you want to answer. In your comment, please write the question first and then answer it.


If you're a straight ally like me, we have our own flag! Let's drop some comments to show support for our Wattpad LGBTQ+ community!

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