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Although, the girl didn't share Sinbad's feelings.

The moment she saw him, she knew he was different. She knew his kind, as they were sent after her before. She had her secrets, and despite thinking she was far enough to escape the grasps of authority, she was wrong. Considering not many travelers came through the village, and if they did they were never dressed as luxurious as the purple haired man did, making them different from the start. She had a feeling he was after her. She had her suspicions, and needed to get away.

She excused herself from the people surrounding her, claiming her "magic" would tire her a lot. She then disappeared into the crowd, multiple people still cheering her on. She dearly hoped that the man wasn't chasing after her. After escaping the main crowd, she could finally breathe but continued to walk on. She passed many of the small sand homes, waving to anyone who greeted her. She was quite popular in the town, for obvious reasons.

Her home was just like everyone else's in the village. Old cloth covered the doors and windows as an attempt at privacy, cracks in the walls and dusty floors. The only difference is that the front room of her home was being used as a shop. A small waiting area, with a large wooden desk separating the waiting area and the space she would work in.

She had the ability to grow plants with ease, so she decided to become an apothecary so she could provide medicine to the poor village. It was an excellent job for her considering her abilities, but she had a lot to learn. She believed she was doing what was best for her and the village she now lived in.

"Welcome home." A voice called out as she entered the shop. The girl, who was out of breathe, looked up at the voice, and muttered a small 'thanks.' It was an older man who welcomed her home, the older man used to run the shop as an apothecary, but now he was too old to run it anymore. Now, he just taught her what he knew despite her being quite clumsy.

It didn't take long before she had visitors.

The purple haired man from before, and his smaller friend who she hadn't noticed earlier. She was standing behind the desk when they came in, and couldn't help but give a worried look to them.

"Welcome- is there something you're looking for?" She greeted them.

"Yes! You." The white haired man spoke.

"I'm sorry? Me?"

"We came here looking for someone and we believe that person is you."

"Those are some serious allegations, but I am just an apothecary. I believe you have the wrong person." She responded, with a clear voice making sure not to show any emotion.

The purple haired man reaches for her hand, holding it in his and looking into her eyes, "No, I believe you're exactly who were looking for. We saw your magic at the center of town, you're amazing! There's no way you aren't the beautiful princess we're looking for!"

"Please don't touch me." She retorts, snatching her hand away. "I'm sorry, but you have the wrong person. The person you're looking for probably already came through town." She continued, turning around to mess with something on the shelves behind her.

Sinbad's eyes widened, looking at the gold decorative hair pin, which seemed to be shaped like a comb, pinned into her hair. He noticed all the small engravings on the hair pin, and his eyes landed on the middle of it. A large green stone, with the eight sided star on it.

"You have a metal vessel! You are her!" Sinbad spoke up. The girl eyes widened, looking at him as if he just committed something taboo. She couldn't speak, as she thought she had finally got away and was free, yet turned out she was never free in the first place.

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