Chapter 7: They couldn't hit an elephant from this distance (Pt 1)

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"G - O! Go, Culver, go!"

"G - O! Go, Culver, go!"

"G - O! Go, Culver, go!"

"I hate sports." Pudge said as we watched our team lose horribly in the basketball game. Jason has his arm around my shoulder as I play with his hand. "I hate people who play them, and people who watch them. And people who don't hate people who play or watch them".

"Pudge, we don't come to watch the games because we enjoy it or because we think we have a chance in winning. Our team sucks so bad, we don't even have a mascot" I say. "I call us the Culver crek nothings"Colonel says and I laugh. 

"We come because, I've been kicked out of 36 games in a row, at this point, my audience demands it" the colonel says and kisses Sarah's cheek and stands on the bleacher. 

I love when he does this.

"Cornbread!" He shouts

"Chicken!" The whole auditorium shouts back 

"Rice!" he shouts

"Peas!"we reply

"WE GOT HIGHER SATs" He shouts. The whole gym cheeers.

"that is poor sportsmanship, Mr Martin" The eagle says to him and he sits down. I smile.

"Aren't you worried you're gonna get in trouble" Pudge asks. "Hell no. Nobody has more school spirit than the eagle. He bleeds green and gold. He loves it." The colonel replies and gets back up again

"Buy!" he shouts

"Sell!" we reply

"Trade!" he shouts 

"Barter!" we reply

"YOU'RE MUCH BIGGER BUT WE'RE MUCH SMARTER" He shouts and we all cheer again.

The refree blows the whistle in his face."You're out of here".

"37" Colonel shouts and we carry on cheering and he cartwheels out.


We sat at the next game, our team was losing again, not surprising.

The colonel runs on the court wearing the school's basketball jersey. He catches the ball and scores a goal. We all start cheering.


I laugh.


At the next game, we're losing again.

The colonel stands on the bleachers and blows his whistle, sounding like the refree. The players stop and the actual refree turns to look at the colonel who acts confused.

"Martin, I'm warning you" The refree says. the colonel ignores him and claps and blows his whistle. Quality entertainment right here. 

"That's it. Get out." The refree says. 


We all cheer.

I see Pudge staring at Lara. "Are you ever gonna ask her out" Alaska asks him. "You know that was part of the deal when she helped you out with the jury. It's been three weeks." 

"Yeah, I'm just employing the Miles Halter seduction method." He says and I playfully roll my eyes. "Which is what? You smiling shyly at her from across the gym until you're both dead?" I ask

"You know the only thing you're worse at than smoking is seduction" Alaska tells him. She grabs his arm and leads him to where Lara is sat. Oh shit.


We sit in the cafetaria. "You have nothing to worry about. It's going to be the most low pressure date of all time" Alaska says to Pudge. "why's that?" He asks. "Because we're all going" She says and hugs the colonel. "Quadriple and a half date" I say.

"Smart. That way we can help fill the awkward silences" Takumi says. "How do you knowthere's going to be awkward silences?" Pudge asks. "I've seen you and Lara try to have a conversation. It's upsetting" Takumi replies. "But it's understandable, you both have literally nothing in common" Jason says and I nod along, stealing his food. 

"That's not true, we both agree that cosine based equations are much more challenging than tangents" Pudge says. "Ew, Maths" I say. "Ooh the bedrock of every great relationship" the colonel says and I laugh. "Pudge, you have been on a date before, right?" the colonel asks.

"Yeah, of course". Liar.

"How many?" Takumi asks. "Um, Well I, in the fifth grade - " he starts to say but is interupted by Jason."Post puberty" he says. 

"At my old school, we went to see the orlando symphony and I sat next to Shelby Gerstein and we shared a box of mike and ikes." He says.

"Mike and Ikes?" The colonel asks in disgust. "Stick with silence." Takumi says. "It'll be fine. Talk is overrated." Alaska says. "Human attraction is all about eye contact and pheromones". "The real question is who's my date?" the colonel asks. "Sarah" I deadpanned. 

"Hey ladies, if it ain't Abercrombie and Bitch." The colonel says as Longwell and Kevin walk past. They turn to look at us. Kevin goes to retaliate but Longwell shakes his head and stops him. "It's nice to see you too Chip" he says. Then they walk away.

"You just can't help yourself, can you?" I ask The colonel. "This truce just feels weird" he replies. "Sure it's nice not to have to sniff my shoes every morning for piss. but yesterday Longwell held a door open for me and I almost punched him in the face, I was so freaked out."  "Yeah he can be nice sometimes" I say. 

Takumi gets up to leave. "Where are you going?" He asks. "I need more Fanta. I shall return" he says walking away.

"Actually guys, I need to go to the bathroom" I say and I get up and follow him.

I see him and Hank talking very subtly. "He only got caught because somebody ratted" I hear Hank say. I'm guessing their talking about Paul. "And he has a very interesting theory about who was the rat"

"Yeah so do I" I say and the two boys turn to look at me.


"Karma" Dr Hyde says "The Hindu's explanation for cause and effect. The concept evolved over centuries. seeking to understand why man was born and what happens when we die. If we live a good life, are we rewarded in the next one? If we hurt others what becomes of us, then?"

I see Takumi glaring at Alaska. 

"While, it's not due for some time, I am going to give you your final exam topic now." Dr Hyde says. I groan inwardly. " He writes it on the board. "What is the most important question human beings must answer. Choose your question wisely"


I walk into my room and see Jason sat on my bed. "Mi casa, su casa" I sigh and smile at him. He smiles back "I missed you" he said. "It's been like 20 minutes" I say to him still smiling.

A/N  hey guys it's been a while, i'm sorry, i've had loads of tests and work to do. also I just wanted to say thank you for reading my book and voting, I really appreciate it. 

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