It was magical, amazing and just perfect.

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I got home and Archie was stuffing his face with dog food, for once he hadn't noticed me enter. I wondered about the night before. It had been weird, very weird but nice as well. If the hospital found out about what happened, oh how shit would go down! I walked into the front room and saw the state it was in from the night before. "Wow, we did have a good time.." Looking at it made me realise what I had to do and I knew I wasn't going to like it at all.


I began to pick everything off the floor, empty beer cans, rubbish, half-full beer cans, the lot. I got the Hoover out to get all the crap off the floor when I noticed a small glistening bracelet. I picked it up and examined it carefully. It looked like it was quite dainty and fragile, it also looked VERY expensive. I put it into the kitchen drawer and left it there while I finished cleaning the room. Archie looked at me his face leant towards the side. "What you after smasher? Need a walk?" He barked like mad when I mentioned walking so I grabbed his collar and leash. We then left the house for a walk.


It was about twelve and I got a load of trash set in front of me. Oh well I say trash it's meant to be 'hospital cuisine' but basically it's trash. I was sat there getting cold looks off people when I saw a familiar face walk into the ward. "Dad!" I screamed, I could not have been happier over the fact that my Dad was here, well, for a short time anyway. "Lauren! So glad you're feeling better! I'm glad you remember who I am too." I looked at him. "I'm not quite sure what you're on about Dad but awww!" He just smiled at me then pulled a face. "Can I smell alcohol on you?" Shit. Shit. Shit shit shit. I'd gone and drank some beer last night didn't I? Fuck sake. "I can't smell alcohol on me?" I replied. He frowned. "Have they been giving you alcohol?" I shook my head. "No no no" he looked at me uncertain but I ignored it. "So why am I here then?" I asked him. He looked at me and tried to smile. I could see him shake. That it was hurting him. Hurting him to think about it. What happened to me. It hurt my dad. He cared.

It made me feel warm that my Dad cared, we get along well but he never really showed any emotion so I never thought he gave a toss. But he cares, I wanted to smile but I shouldn't. He put his hand on my leg. "You're pregnant." I immediately shot up, Russell never said anything about that! "Holy shit! What? Fuck sake I'm too young" I could feel my voice getting faster. My dad sat there looking at me. "They say you can't abort it, your mum doesn't want you to put it up for adoption either. So, I think Hugh might be a good name?" I burst into tears. I was crying for ages, my dad comforting me. Then he looked at me and smirked. "You aren't really" I slapped him. "You bastard! I fucking believed that! It freaked me out!" He was laughing while I just shook my head. "So what did happen then?" I asked him. He told me about my arm but that was it. I was a bit confused but I shrugged it off. A doctor came over to the bed.

"Miss Dennis?" I looked at him. "That's me, what's up?" He stared at me, guess he just doesn't understand what I'm saying. "You're free to go Miss. I hope you had a nice stay." I smiled at my dad got up and cheered. Dad started giving me funny looks. "There's stuff all over your clothes. They have been giving you alcohol haven't they?" He turned to the Doctor and prodded him in the chest. "What did you think you were doing? Giving my daughter alcohol? She is supposed to be in a hospital! Not a bar for fuck sake!" The doctor looked at him and began to raise his voice. It was like a rally, they'd get louder and louder. The pain in my head getting worse and worse. Then it became unbearable. I screamed, they both looked at me and I ran off, clutching my head as I went- trying to cover my ears. I sat down on a bench outside and cried. I didn't give a shit if anyone saw me, I just looked like a lunatic in there. I saw a magazine on the bench. I swear it hadn't been there before, weird. I picked it up and read it, it was a shitty astrology magazine. I went into the horoscopes bit, saves me from being told it later. I looked at what it read;

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