Chapter 1

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Theo's pov
I needed a reason to be excited today. I needed a reason to jump up and shout with joy. I waited, and waited for the moment... but it never came. I looked down at my essay in misery, not knowing what to do with myself. The words were blurry and I couldn't think straight... maybe I had to much to drink, or maybe I had taken to many tablets. Which ever one it was, it wasn't helping me with my essay in any way possible.

"Theodore! The principal wants you in her office." The teacher was signing papers at her desk, maybe looking at the clock every few minutes.

Oh, what now? As I got up on my feet I started to shake... I couldn't feel anything. The last thing I remember was waking up in the nurses office...

"Is he ok, yes?" A young boy was sat next to him, obviously a different language to Theodore's.

"He'll be able to show you around when he wakes up. Good day." The nurse walked out in a flash; you could barely see her leave.

I managed to open my eyes and sit up in the sheets of the hospital bed. I felt awful... it was like a needle stabbing into my stomach. I looked at the boy next to me. His hair was filled with black curls that shined like the stars. Or... no. It was grease. But either way, it looked amazing. He had an accent that sent me dizzy, and he always spoke in a certain way. His sentences would normally end with 'yes?'' or something along them lines. As I was thinking about all these things something struck me, the principal needed me! I wasn't anywhere near the office!

"I'm sorry. You look very panicked. There's really no need, as your perfectly fine. I'm the new student. Boris Pavlikvosky. Or... just Boris, yes?" The boy
held out his hand, and waited for Theo to shake it.

"Oh right! Sorry." I shook his hand gently, and was about to faint. It felt like cotton. Whatever hand soap he buys, I need it. As I got to my feet again, I suddenly felt ok. The pain had gone. Maybe it was a temporary thing, but while the pain had gone I made the most of it.

"What's your name short boy? Do you know your name, yes?" Boris looked him up and down, putting his hands in his pockets.

I honestly didn't know what to say. My head was spinning, and I didn't like my name anyway. I looked at the floor, and while thinking I was counting the stripes on the carpet pattern. I didn't really know why... it sort of just happened there and then.

"Right ok, well... I do drugs." He said it out of nowhere. It was like he was in a completely different conversation.

"Um.. ok?" I was confused, and like most of the time... lost for words. I tried forcing myself to wake up from this hallucination... but nothing worked. My head hurt.. and my eyes were stinging. Most likely because i was crying all night, but also because I was drunk. I drank a lot this morning, hoping it would save me from misery. But it didnt.

"I'll call you Potter. Can you give me that tour then Potter.?" He spoke quite clearly when he said that name. It was like... he already knew someone called that pretty well. But who would name their son or daughter Potter?

I smiled slightly, not really knowing what I was doing... my head was a little blank from the fall I had back in class. I looked around confused... what was I going to say? Oh. Sorry. I can't show you around hot stuff because I don't know my way around the school! No. I wasn't going to make a fool of myself in front of the new boy. I badly needed to make friends with him, this reason was because I know for a fact he'll be popular in a few days, so I'll loose him.

"Uh... Potter? Do you know what your doing?" The boy looked Theo up and down and then bit on his lip. He knew what he wanted to do, but he wasn't going to do it... just yet.

I was actually startled when he started talking. I wasn't expecting the tall boy to speak. My head started to gaze back into reality, and I shaped my thoughts hard enough to get a good part of my memory back. To my surprise... the tour went great!

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