Chapter 2

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Theo's pov
It feels weird being back at my dads... I thought maybe the Barbers were my happy family. I guess not. I miss Andy as well... my thoughts are going wild and I have no idea why. Maybe I need to go outside.

Theo got up from his bed and looked out his smeared window, carefully tracing every inch of the world outside. Finally after some thought, he headed down stairs and put his wool made coat on he got from his last home, and his stupid looking trainers, and left the house before anyone heard him.

I didn't really know where I was going... I was kind of just... going with the flow? That was cheesy I know, but cheesy thoughts are the only thing on my mind right now. I'm on my way to the park, hoping someone is there that I can talk too. I don't know if I want to talk to anyone though... I don't know a lot at this point in time, my brains a little fucked up.

Theo suddenly heard a voice call out for him, and he knew who it was straight away.

"Potter!" Boris was lightly swinging, while smiling at Theo at the same time. Theo walked up to the boy without hesitation, and spoke clearly.

"It's Theo. I'm not really in the mood for Harry Potter games Boris... my heads fucked up enough as it is." Boris looked at Theo slightly confused.

"Potter? I call you that because I can't be bothered to learn your name. It's a cute nick name anyway! Come sit down beside me ok, yes?" Boris was anxious as he waited for the reply.

Cute?! Did he just say 'cute nick name'?! I was speechless. Fuck sake! He's made my head even worse. I had a head ache before I came and he's not made it any better. Either way... I said yes. I was sitting beside him now, and all I could feel was his touch when he linked our hands. It was like holding a cloud... I didn't want to let go. I knew he could tell as well.

"Potter... you look a little zoned out, eh? Do you need some sleep? We can go to my house if you like. My dad won't be home tonight, yes?" Boris un linked their hands which made Theo's heart sink.

When he let my hand go... I felt really sick, and it's not like I liked him right? I only just met him. I guess you could call us friends anyway... we spent nearly the whole day together at school yesterday after the tour. All I could feel is pain, so maybe spending the night away from my dads was a good idea. "Alright. Let's go to yours then"

"Great! Come on Potter. Follow me to my man cave" He took Theo's hand and lead him to his house, like he was a long time friend. Boris had most likely grown fond of the small boy. Maybe... it was love?

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