Chapter 3

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A note from me: I'm sorry I've been gone so long, I fell out of love for the ship for a while. I'm going to skip what happened at Boris' house, mostly because I have an idea for when they are back at school. Basically all that happened was they watched a movie and fucked around a bit, and then went to bed :)

Theo's Pov:
I ran into the boys bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I could barely breath, and I could've dropped dead there and then. I had just been hit in the head with a silver bin lid over my head, and I wasn't feeling it at all. My fingers were numb after I punched my bully for the first time, and I really regretted it afterwards. I finally had the courage to walk out and as I thought... he was with them.

"Oh, Potter! I made new friends! Want to join us my dear friend, yes?" Boris tried walking over to Theo, but got pulled back by the curls of his hair.

"We don't talk to that loser. Got that Russian ass?" The boy held Boris back by his curls and kept pulling until he answered.

"But-.." Theo could tell Boris was upset. It made him mad. It made him so mad that he couldn't do anything either.

Ugh... why me? I felt anger rise as Boris got pulled by his hair. He wasn't some sort of toy. I hated that fucking asshole. He makes my life worse everyday. Most of his members are my old friends that betrayed me. But... Boris felt different. I didn't really care about the others getting taken from me, but when it was Boris, it felt so much worse. There was so much more pain than I expected. Finally I stood up for him.

"Who the fuck gave you the right to call my friend names and to pull him by his hair?!" Theo took his fist and smashed it straight into his bullies face. He grabbed Boris' hand and started running.

"Woah! Potter that was amazing! Did you go to a secret Japanese training session?" Boris mocked Theo for his weak action but Theo ignored his calls.

What. Did. I. Just. Do. I'm in so much trouble! My head started hurting again while I was running, but I could hear them behind us so I had to keep going for my own safety and Boris' especially. Boris is talking bullshit again. Ugh. He may talk gibberish, but... it's one of the many things I love about him. Not like that!- I meant as in... like about him. Ugh stop it brain!.

After they finally hid behind some old garbage cans and calmed them selves down, it was peaceful. Everything had stopped. Theo and Boris were looking into each other's eyes...

It was magical... his eyes were like sapphires dipped in gold. You can only say so much about a regular person, but when I'm talking about Boris... the possibilities I could talk about are endless. I felt so safe with him there next to me, and I could feel myself closing in for a kiss. I didn't really know what I was doing... but I couldn't stop myself. Suddenly I fell forward onto my face and face planted the floor... what happened?.

"Oh, Potter are you alright? You were closing your eyes and leaning in. I supposed you were going to pass out so I got up in case you fell where you shouldn't." Boris helped Theo up and looked at him. All Theo could do was run... and Boris didn't even know why...

"Oh... see you tomorrow then Potter-..?" Boris slumped down against the brick wall and stared at the floor... what could possibly make this worse?..

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