1 - Hjs

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I sat on my couch and sighed. Today was a boring day. School is canceled due to the corona virus and my best friend Felix is visiting his home country Australia. My mom and dad used to go to Malaysia with me too but since I'm 16 they say I'm old enough to stay at home when they visit uncle Ling. He's not really my uncle. But since he was with me since I was a child I always called him uncle Ling.

Mom and dad are in Malaysia for three weeks now. They left me at home but gave me some real strict rules.

1. Do not go out alone after 10pm
2. Only meet new people when someone is with you who you trust
3. Clean the house once a week
4. Don't let strangers in or know our address
5. Call chan if you need anything
6. Don't watch movies for 18 year olds
7. Please don't get in trouble
8. Don't waste all of the 1000$ too fast

I sighed again and looked up at the ceiling. Maybe I'll call Jeonginie.... or I'll just suffer alone... I decided not to disturb him and got my phone. My stomach made some weird noises so I went to the kitchen. I tried to open the fridge and pouted when I couldn't see anything eatable. "Gawd damn it.... I'll go to the shop- it's 11:00 pm now... ugh" still hungry I sat on my computer in my room.

Then I got an idea that changed my whole life. "I GONNA ORDER PIZZA!" I Happily took my phone and called my favourite pizza place. After a few seconds someone spoke to me. "Hello! This is Halo pizza! What do you want to order?" I immediately smiled when I heard the soft voice speaking. "Hey! I'm Jisung..." a small break after I added my order. "Can I get a pizza spinach in ... large?" I looked around my room and heard the boy behind the call chuckling. "Sure you can."

I just smiled. "Okay!" I was about to end the call when the boy spoke again. "Uhm... I need your address..." I pouted and shook my head. "I'm sorry my mom said I can't let strangers know..." i tried to explain it but the boy sighed. "This is a pizza store... I need your address..." I frowned. "Sir this is my privacy!" I pouted and stood up. "Yah. Listen here you baby. I don't care about what your mom said but no address means no pizza." I blushed when he called me a baby.

"I'm not a baby!" I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Okay. But my mom shouldn't know." The boy just let out a giggle. "Whatever." I smiled. He seems so nice but so annoyed... "okay it's yaeso street 7" I giggled and felt quiet bad for breaking one of the rules. "Oh gawd how old are you even?" The boy asked. "I'm 16! Sir. And how about you?" I now was curious.

"MINHO! Yeah! Hey I'm sorry! See you." The boy ended the call. Minho.. I smiled and got up from my chair to go upstairs. I sat on the stairs with my squirrel plushie and pyjamas and waited for my pizza. What are they needing 40 minutes for? I pouted and screamed happily when I heard a knock. "PIZZAAAA!" I opened the door and stared at a very handsome tall boy. His hair is black and he has a piercing on his eyebrows. The red uniform fits him perfectly and he smiled at me with the most precious smile I've ever seen.

He started smirking and for some reason I felt my cheeks go red. "H-hey" the boy cleared his throat and licked his bottom lip. "Hey Jisung." I don't know why but when he said my name I felt my heart race. "Oh- Uhm ... s-so... you didn't answer... how old-" Minho chuckled and nodded. "I'm 21. I'm your Hyung~" he winked at me and after that I only saw black. So embarrassing to pass out.

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