3 - Lmh

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Jisung and I still were in his room. I decided to stay a little longer. "Hyung?" I just nodded and focused on my phone. "...Minho?" I still didn't look up. "Yaaaah!" When I heard him whining I started to smile. "Need attention?" He shyly nodded. "Hyung it's... very late now..." I nodded. "I don't want to go~" Jisung blushed and sighed. "But ... I need to sleep." I shook my head. "School is cancelled anyways."

Jisung pouted and whined even more. "Pleaseeeee!" I couldn't resist to pinch his cheeks. "Okay. I'll be off then... if anything is wrong call me. I don't live that far..." Jisung nodded and pouted. "So... Uhm how much is the pizza?" I started laughing when I realised he still wanted to pay for the food. "It's free for you~" Jisung nodded and got up. "Come on! I want to sleep." He grabbed my hand and walked up to the door. "Go now Hyung." I smiled at him.

"This is not the last time you'll see me sungie~ we will meet a lot now." Jisung signed. "Mhm Kay." I opened the door and got the best idea ever. "Yah let's bet." Jisung looked at me confused. "Okay what about...?" I chuckled. "If I can make you fall for me, you have to me mine forever-" Jisungs cheeks turned red. "Minho!" I laughed. "And if I don't succeed... You'll get pizza for free for the rest of your life." Jisung nodded. "Uhh okay! So.... you have one week." I shook my head. "One month."

"Three weeks." I thought about it for a second but then nodded. "You'll See Jisung." He just shrugged. "Maybe. Now go." I stepped out the house and winked at him again. Jisung blushed and closed the door. On my way back home I couldn't focus on the traffic. "Gaaawd." Go outta my head! The next day at work I decided to text Jisung.

Hey Jisung~
Here's Minho ;)

Stop that winky face!!!

Or what?
You'll pass out again?

Yah! Hyung that's mean >_<

Aw sungie i didn't mean that....
Okay so..
Are you free today?

Mhm! I'm always free :)

Okay great
Let's watch a movie

The Cinemas are closed :(

How about I'll pick you up after work and we both go over to mine?

My mom....
you're not a stranger I guess..

So I'll pick you up at 8

Yay okay!
See you Hyung!

Yeah :)

"Whom are you texting to..." chan, my best friend asked. "Ah... this cute boy. His name is Jisung." Chan nodded. "Wait- han Jisung?" I shrugged. "I met him yesterday he's 16... and he has the cutest cheeks...." chan widened his eyes. "oh my gawd." I looked at him confused. "Ah I know he's way younger than me but-" chan shook his head.

"He's my dads best friends son! And... we know each other since birth! Since he's born.." I started smiling. "Aw really? He's so innocent. It makes me want to be his only one. Like.... have you seen him?" Chan rolled his eyes. "Yeah good luck. He's hard to get. His girlfriend even broke up with him nearly but I stopped her." I sighed. "What was her reason?"

Chan laughed. "She told me that Jisung is way too innocent and she didn't even hugs him because he gets all flustered and he also doesn't get her pickup lines or when's she's flirting." I smiled. "She's just not the right one. I mean... Jisung passed out when I winked at him!" Chan frowned. "Really? I wink at him all the time... omg you must really attract him." With a small hope I chuckled.

"Yes I hope he'll be mine one day." Chan nodded. "His mom asked me to be his boyfriend. But if you want to... go on. His mom will be happy." I let out a heavy breath. "So she'd be okay with it." Chan nodded. "Now let's go. You have to deliver this." I did as he said and delivered the last pizza for today.

After work I drove to Jisung. I went up to the door and knocked. A few seconds later Jisung opened it. He wore an oversized hoodie in a soft purple and a black Pantie. "Are you doing this on purpose?" I pointed at the outfit. "Oh- y-you mean... it's not.... pretty... or...." I chuckled and shook my head. "It's cute you look perfect." Jisungs cheeks turned red and he nodded. "So... your girlfriend likes your style?" I asked curiously.

"Mh nope she thinks I dress more girlish than she does but I don't care." Jisung giggled and closed the door. I opened my car and his door so he could sit. "Thank youuuu~" Jisung and I drove to my apartment. "Hyung?" I nodded but let my eyes on the road. "What are we gonna watch?" He asked shyly. "Hey sungie, don't worry. Don't be so shy." I smiled at him and parked. "Kay..." I grabbed his leg and smiled when I heard him gasp softly. "M-Minho" I raised my eyebrows at him and smirked.

Wow I bet if he'd moan my name it would be even more hot. "Huh?! Don't look at me like that." He turned away with red cheeks and I nodded. "You're so thin Jisung." Jisung shrugged. "No like... I can grab your leg with only one of my hands." Jisung then looked at me. "And.... you just have very large hands!" He giggled and looked out of the window. "We are there." Jisung nodded. "I know. So... are we getting out now? Or do you want to grab my leg forever?" He kind of snapped.

"Yah. Watch your mouth." Jisung rolled his eyes. "Says who? You?" I looked at him mad. "Huh? Oh believe me Jisung I can make you shut up." Jisung stared at me and giggled. "Yeah yeah now let's go!" He got out of the car and I sighed. Gawd what did I just do. Fuck why is he so irresistible?! I followed him and opened the door. We walked the stairs and I opened my apartment door.

"Aw I like it here!" Jisung said happily. "You didn't even see anything...." I took out my shied confused. "Yeah but... it ... anyways... where is the living room?" I licked my bottom lip and smiled. "There is not a living room. We'll watch the movie in my bedroom." Jisung started giggling. "Even better!" I nodded and led the way to my room. Jisung hopped on my bed and sighed. "I love it." I sat next to him and laughed. „I'm glad you do."

Jisung took out his phone while I was changing. „Uhh~ Hyung you've got a sixpac~" I turned armoury to see Jisung staring at my abs. „Yeah. Why were you looking~?" Jisung shrugged and giggled. "So, you like what you See?" I asked curiously. "Hm... yeah I guess. You're hot." Jisung blushed and I smiled at him. And you say you're straight. "But Hyung?" He asked. "Yeah baby." Jisung just giggled and rolled his eyes. "That doesn't mean anything. If I think you're hot i mean." I nodded I'm sarcasm.

"Sure babes." Jisung turned his face. "Let's watch the Movie." I suggested. "You won't put on a shirt?!" Jisung asked loud. "Nope." He then nodded. "Kay... but like can we... cuddle?" He looked at me with puppy eyes and I couldn't deny anything at this point. "Sure. We can do a lot more than cuddle."

Kinky Delivery Guy - Minsung Where stories live. Discover now