chapter six

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episode two

part three

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part three

It's only been a few hours since Lorenzo and Jackie shared a kiss that should've never happened. It's only been a few hours since Lorenzo's spoken to or even looked at the pretty brunette in her pretty new dress he helped put on her. It's only been a few hours since Lorenzo finally realized he didn't regret kissing Jackie. . . he only regretted kissing a taken Jackie.

          All of Eric's friends occupied the couch, minus Lorenzo and Eric himself. Eric sat on the side chair where Hyde had claimed as his own and Fez sitting in the lawn chair across the room from the birthday boy. This left Lorenzo only one place to go: his usual place on the last step of the stair case.

        No one said a word. No one looked at Eric or even at each other. Though Lorenzo tried not to, he couldn't help but stare at the back of the head of the brunette girl. What he did was unacceptable. Honestly, kissing a girl with a boyfriend? Flirting with her, sure, but only because it was harmless. Only because it wasn't going to lead to anything more, it shouldn't have led to anything more. . .but it did. Lorenzo knows there are boundaries when someone you like — did he even really like her? She was just supposed to be a game to him— is in a relationship and he managed to overstep those boundaries by a lot.

       And for that reason he knew he had to apologize. He just didn't know when would be a good time seeing as everyone was around.

      The uncomfortable silence only lasted minutes before Eric broke it, staring at his friends and Lorenzo. "Look, I know what you're all doing here."
Kelso was the one that spoke up. "What are you talking about, man? We're just hanging out like always. Except we're dressed nice but that doesn't mean anything." Knowing what he and the boy's girlfriend did behind his back hours ago set Lorenzo's heart beating erratically.

        Before he could excuse himself to leave like he desperately wanted to do, Mrs. Kitty's footsteps sounded above him and she walked only halfway down the stairs. Her voice reached his ears next.
"Hi kids. Um. . . I need your help with something. Jackie, Donna, Michael, Lorenzo, Steven.. young man with an accent, could you give me a hand? Not you, Eric!"

A last minute, very much not planned out plan formed in Lorenzo's mind. Taking action, Lorenzo hopped up first and climbed the steps of the stairs while the rest that were called up as well filed out the door into the the living room to where Mrs. Kitty had everything set up for the party. Jackie was the second to last to leave the doorway with Donna behind her.

         Once seeing the girl pass, Lorenzo softly called out Jackie's name (why did saying her name sound so sweet?) and gingerly grabbed onto her wrist to stop her from fleeing. The boy didn't get the reaction he had hoped for, but he sure got the one he expected. Jackie turned around to face and ripped his hand off her wrist. "Don't touch me!" It came out hoarse and was more of a growl. The look on her face was similar to the one she had given him right after he kissed her. Donna stood to the side watching it all happen.

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