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"Ja, the awesome Prussia shall now choose a new reader!" He put one fut on the table and posed. New Zealand deadpanned and grabbed the book from the former countries hand.

"Don't be daft, I'm going to read now obviously." He scoffed and flipped the page. Prussia huffed, plopping his rear end on the chair.

(A/N: before you read the entry I'm just saying the 2p's have nothing to do with Alfred's insanity and have nothing to do with the voices. They're simply there to be friends.)

"Entry 13: I met these people called 2p's today. My 2p was quite rude though. I asked him if he knew anything about the voices and he just looked plain confused. Also, a veggie burger?! Could you imagine!?!?!?!? GROSS!!!"

England chuckled and put a hand on his knee looking all high and mighty. "Ah yes, the 2p's. I know everything about them." He bragged to all the countries who just seemed unimpressed.

Even France was looking at him like he was an idiot.

The Englishman chuckled out of embarrassment. New Zealand rolled his eyes and tossed the diary to China who was not expecting the throw in the slightest.

The diary rolled off the Asians face as he began to read the next entry.

"Entry 14: Today was good today as wellllll. I got to meet some new people and see some new things. Guess what else I did today? I talked to my shadow. It didn't respond but I found it funny that I was talking to a shadow. Lol ~Alfred

"He's bloody mental!" England screamed, slamming both of his fist onto the table. France ran over and hugged him from behind in attempt to calm him down. "It's okay, Angleterre." The Frenchman hushed in a soothing manner.

"It's not though, France. He's loosing his mind and..and, nothings okay anymore!" England started off by screaming but choked sobs were heard near the end. France sighed and rubbed circles onto his back to calm him down.

"Umm, you can read next Jamaica." China said awkwardly handing the book to the country. Jamaica took the book and started to read the paragraph she was assigned to.

"Entry 15: I started talking to the voices in my head, they're very nice and make me feel comfortable when people are being rude. They're the sunshine to my stormy days! I wonder if I should tell Mattie. Can Mattie speak to the voices too? ~America

Canada gulped and looked around the table. He knew about Alfred's voices but that was the only thing he's heard of. 

Not even Canada knew of these secrets.

. . .

-ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ᴏɴᴇ's ᴍɪɴᴅ- ʙʏ: ᴄᴏᴜɢʜɪɴɢ_ғʟxᴡᴇʀs

-sɪɴᴄᴇʀʟʏ ᴀɴᴀsᴛᴀsɪᴀ 

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