Chapter 37

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David's POV

Today is my first day at the University. I am so glad to be a student here and also a scholar. I never thought of getting in to this University, as this is my long time dream and it came true.

I was walking towards my class. When I saw this girl with her Mom. She looked worried but her Mom said something that made her smiled.

I was brought by her smile that I can't help but to smile either. I want to protect that smile. She is really something.

What class will she be at? I am curious. I think she is also a freshman like me as she is holding the orientation sheet that was given at the front gate which is only for the freshmen.

I feel more happy when I learned that she is also in the same class as I do and we are blockmates. I should think of a way on how will I get to know her.

She doesn't have a friend yet, maybe I should approach her. Before I could approach her, someone already made a move. I remembered that her name is Raine. I guess I'll find the right timing before approaching her.

While I was going to our class I saw Marie hurriedly walking at the hallway looking down. I learned her name at class because of the traditional introduction at first day. I walk fast and trying to overtake without her noticing it, after overtaking I walk back to accidentally bump into her. Even I intentionally planned it. 

"I'm so sorry. I was not looking at the way." She fall down due to that impact, I wasn't planning to make her fall. She looked up to me and I can see some tear stains at the side of her eyes. Why is she crying?

I reach my hand to help her up. "I'm sorry too. Here, let me help you stand." I said. She is staring at my face and she didn't realize that she is already staring for a long time, I laughed which made her embarrassed. How can I keep this girl?

I cover her embarrassment by asking a question. "I was asking where is your first class." She searched for a paper at her bag and give it to me. "Oh, we have the same class. Let's go there together." What a great day it is.

"By the way, my name is David. I think I saw you." She looked at the side like she is thinking of something. I really want to keep her. I pretend not to know her, so that we will have a conversation going.

"The Performing Arts Club!" We answered at the same time and we laugh.

That's right. I want to see that smile, can I keep those just only for me?

"I want you to know that I like you Marie." I finally said it. I was afraid that someone will snatch her away and own that smile of hers. I will not waste a time anymore while she is still in my reach and I will make sure that she will end up with me. She stand frozen. Why she reacted that way? "Don't worry, you don't have to reply. I just want you to know about it." I reasoned out. I rub the back of my head. Honestly, I want to know her answer right now.

I want to convince her that my feelings are true.

"Well, it started when I saw you on the first day. I saw you with your Mom, the way you smile at that time, hits me. I really want to see that smile again. Do you remember when we bumped in at the hallway? Well, I kinda did that on purpose. The meeting wasn't, but the bump it is. I was so happy that I get to close with you. But, it seems you changed. I was thinking that am I too late? I tried my best to observe at first but I can't help just to stay at your side and do nothing. So, I tried my best to get to know you more that I didn't know myself that I like you already. I realized all of it when I was not there at the time Jenny hurt you. How much I blamed myself for it, why I was not there to save you? I don't want to change things that we already have now. It's okay that you don't have to respond, you can forget about what I have said and please don't change on me. I just want you to know, so that, you will remember that I am always there for you." She holds my hand and look into my eyes. Can I ask for more? I want those eyes will only look for me.

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