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"AGH! My tea is hot." Athena laughs and wipes off her chest with a napkin. Thank god my shirt is black. Alice laughs as they both sit down at the booth by the window with the nicest view of the ocean.

"Well duh, we just got them freshly made dork. So have you applied for the internship program thing in San Francisco I sent you?" Alice sips her coffee and raises an eyebrow at her embarrassed friend. "I uh read over it..." She gives a half-smile and looks down to stir her tea. 

"Oh really? Tell me what it said then because I completely forgot what it entailed."I huff and roll my eyes, sometimes Alice is like a mother to her always pushing her to be the best. Although sometimes Athena thinks she takes the position too seriously. 

"Well for one it's not exactly an internship program, it said it was more of a shadowing." Athena getting the hint Alice is confused- "Essentially instead of running to go get coffees and pick up clothes, what the position does is I would be following the scriptwriters around and sitting in on the run-throughs of the shows or movie reads. But I don't think I'm gonna apply, it seems like I'm under-qualified for that ya know. I just finished my two-year mark in college. I have no experience or background resources but my theatre classes in high school and my writing classes I've taken recently...Just seems unreachable I guess."

 Alice makes an O shape with her mouth and sighs chuckling under breath. "Athena you're an amazing writer, you'd fit well in an environment like that. You need to give yourself more credit, you were an amazing actress in high school and you're an amazing writer now. Maybe this opportunity will just sharpen your skills, everybody has to start somewhere!" Athena sighs and brushes Alice off, gazing into the distance of the busy streets of Brooklyn.

I guess Alice has a point...A long time ago I had a dream of being a world-famous actress, but not too long ago I found that I had a better chance of being a writer instead. When I began writing it was like I could finally get away from the struggles of actually living. If you live in a made-up world it's much more exciting because you get to be the writer fo your own story. You get to go through and grow as you experience every turn of a page without any doubts in your head, it stops time. Even still, it must be interesting being someone else, even for a short while. 

*Later that night* 

Athena stirs in her sleep, the cold breeze flowing through her apartment. Her arm swings over her face and covers her eyes, she groans. Swifty she swings her legs over the side of her bed and huffs in irritation. Making her way over to her big window looking out, the lights of the city glimmering in the distance. The city looks so beautiful at night, even if she's far away from it. Athena shivers as the cold breeze from her open window hits her bare legs, wincing when the breeze moves upward in between her thighs. She sighs once the breeze ceases and glares at her computer, she glares back at it attempting to drill holes through it but without success, she walks over and opens it up bringing it back to her bed and placing it on her lap. 

*Athena's POV*

I could take this opportunity and finally kickstart my career...or it could fail and I could be right back here living with my father. I guess I won't know unless I try. The bright screen makes my eyes ache, but I can push through a small headache to get this done. I take a step back for a moment, all of these questions are so personal...How open do I want to be? My name is Athena Dameron, I'm 21 years old, I live with my father in Brooklyn New York. I have 2 full years of community college under my belt, including writing classes and some theatre classes. 

"Seems easy enough at first. Next page." 

Shit. I don't wanna answer what's next. 

"What was something you had to move on from? What was your biggest struggle? Do you consider yourself fit for this position? What makes you think so, why or why not?" 

Crap, I'm gonna be up all night with this. 

*A few weeks later*


"Hi is this Athena Dameron speaking?"

"This is she, what can I do for ya?"

"This is Marnie I'm calling on behalf of the Kyle James Shadow apprenticeship program in San Francisco. I'd like to formally congratulate you in person for being the applicant chosen, so we can discuss further what this means for you. You live in Brooklyn New york correct?"

"I-uh ahem, Yes I do live in Brooklyn."

"Wonderful, I'll send you the address of our sister facility in New York. I'll be waiting to greet you at 10 am sharp, don't be late. Dress in semi-formal attire, prepare a small speech talking about what you can do as an actress as well and writer. Also bring a portfolio with your headshots, if you do not have headshots bring in photos of your front face down to the chest, as well as some full-body posing. Thank you, bye now." 


Yes hello readers! So for now because I'm working through the "how she got there" part of the story it is very choppy and quick, but now that I am through with this part the next chapter will start the official book! Thank you for reading, sorry if my writing is rusty I haven't written a story in a long while. 

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