A warm memory

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Shirou and michiru were walking down the harbor it was summer so both of them didn't wear a coat

"It's weird to see you without your lab coat mr scientist" michiru mocked

"You always gotta mock me" Shirou stared ahead

"No but why are you always mad" Michuru sighed

Shirou stopped "I don't really know I guess I'm just kinda used to looking mad" he look at Michuru "awnser your question?"

She nodded "yeah especially when you cry" Shirou flinched "what do you mean?"

She laughed "at the festival when we first met you were crying yet looked mad" Shirou looked away and crossed his arms blushing

"Ok ok no need to be rude" Michuru looked up and grabbed his face "try smiling"

Shirou blushes a lot and was panicking then he looked straight into her eyes he couldn't remember the last time he did smile it just happened her warm smile and soft hands just reminded him of someone he didn't mind

He sunk into her gaze "that's a good smile for you Shirou" Michuru grinned

Shirou got ahold of himself and grabbed her hands "enough we have a case remember" he let go and walked ahead

"Uh hey cmon" Michuru caught up and they continued talked all the way to the scene

"Shirou Michiru over here" the investigator waved them down "so I'm guessing you already know what happened"

"Yeah" he looked at the body

"We tracked it as far as the tunnel back but it wasn't a human scent another group of Beastmen bought off" Shirou transformed looking even more mad

"Okay michiru when I find the scent hop on my back" she nodded

He picked up the scent and she hopped on and they took off towards the tunnel and headed half way through but stopped at a door that went to the tower watch

Michuru hopped off "let's head in" Shirou nodded

"My my you've walked right into the trap I've set" Shirou looked behind them and the door shut "No!" He grabbed michiru and broke through the glass into the water just as the bomb went off

He was worried about michiru so he hurried to the beach

Michuru lay unconscious do to the water hitting her too fast Shirou was standing above her

"I've got no choice" she wasn't breathing so there was one option

He started doing cpr but he just couldn't so mouth to mouth "dammit just do it so she can live" as soon as he was about to do it michiru started coughing and her eyes opened

Shirou sighed heavily and fell next to her "w-what happened?" She looked over at a frantic Shirou

On the verge of tears not that long ago he wiped them away quickly "you were unconscious so I had to get you to wake up and get the water out" she sighed

"Sorry to make you worry" he shook his head "it's fine I'm just glad your okay"

Her eyes widened "wow you were worried about meeee?" Shirou looked away embarrassed "shut it"

She quickly stopped "ehh heh uhh nvm" Shirou cleared his throat "let's go we'll track them again tomorrow it's late their scent should be good till tomorrow night" she nodded and they both headed back soaked in water

Michiru almost fell asleep walking while shivering "here" Shirou knelt down in front of her "get on my back"

"Thanks" Shirou nodded "it's fine get some rest" with her on his back he felt kind of happy he smiled all the way back knowing she was alive

He thought to himself the entire time the last thought he had was a promise

"I love you I'll always protect you"

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