First date - day off

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Today was special today they were on their first date it was also their day off so nobody would bother them

They set up a towel on the beach and lay down staring at the sunset

Shirou sat up at stared at the greenery behind the Japanese city "michiru was this a good place" she nodded "it's beautiful here"

Shirou smiled "I'm glad"

Shirou was thinking when michiru lay her head on his lap "it's comfy here" he smiled

He was messing with her ears as the sun hits it's peak of beauty michiru hesitated then put a hand on shirous face and stared at him

Still not used to the feeling he stared down in awe at her beauty against the light

He moved closer and closed his eyes their lips touched and grace filled the two

It was slow and sweet each one finally loved

Shirou broke the kiss and smiled it was dark after an hour and the two wrapped everything up

They held hands on their way home to the rooftop

Suddenly shirou was knocked unconscious and before he blacked out michiru was taken

When he woke up there was a note
"Want her back come to the pier in 2 days if you don't show she dies"

Clenching the note he couldn't find the scent the same mixture at the medical center that erased the scent of everything

He started crying "dammit.. not again" he looked at the sky "not again?" His eyes widened he finally remembered his last love who was killed by the human army

"I swear I will save you michiru" he looked at the note "I wont let you die"

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